English translations of texts by Éric Laurent


English translations of texts by Éric Laurent

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All available texts by Éric Laurent are listed at & at /éric laurent.

For texts not shown here, contact Julia Evans.


Éric Laurent : Reading Gabrielle and Richard with Little Hans : 1981

Original publication, Lire Gabrielle et Richard à partir du Petit Hans / LAURENT Eric. Quarto, 1981, n° n°1. – p. 3 : Published Psychoanalytical Notebooks 28 (2014) p69-84 : Download, translated by Ian Curtis, here Further case studies here. on Little Hans here, by Éric Laurent here [JE notes an alternative translation might be ‘Reading Gabrielle and Richard starting from Little Hans]


Éric Laurent : Melancholia, the Pain of Existence and Moral Cowardice : October 1988

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Éric Laurent : The Oedipus Complex : June 1989 (Paris)

Presented at the Lacan Seminars in English : Seminars I and II : June 1989 in Paris. Published p67-75 of Reading Seminars I and II, Lacan’s Return to Freud, editors Richard Feldstein, Bruce Fink, Maire Jaanus, SUNY Press 1996. Download here Further texts by Éric Laurent here


Éric Laurent : Alienation and Separation in Seminar XI (Paris) : 1st July 1990

Publication details, references & notes Download, Alienation and Separation (I), here, & Alienation and Separation (II), here


Éric Laurent : Institution of the Phantasm. Phantasms of the Institutions (E.C.F., Paris) : 17th October 1991

Publication details, references & notes Download here


Éric Laurent : The Pass and the Guarantee in the School

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Philip Dravers and Vincent Dachy, here, with notes by Julia Evans here


Éric Laurent : Three Enigmas: Meaning, Signification, Jouissance

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Heather Chamberlain here

Éric Laurent : Feminine Positions of Being

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Richard Klein, here Download, with Julia Evans’ notes here


Éric Laurent : 1st July 1994 : Interpretation and Truth

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Marie-José Asnoun, here


Éric Laurent : The Ethics of Psychoanalysis, Today : 1999

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Richard Klein, here or here

Éric Laurent : Extract from Ordinary Psychosis : 1999 & Extract from Radiophonie, April 1970, Jacques Lacan

Publication details, references & notes Download with references here.

Éric Laurent : The Purloined Letter and the Tao of the Psychoanalyst : 10th March 1999 (Paris)


Éric Laurent : The Real and the Group

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Véronique Voruz, here

Éric Laurent : Thoughts about the current forms of the impossible to teach : 21st September 2000

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Laurent). Download, translated by Susana Tillet, or with notes, here.


Éric Laurent : The Autist’s Trait : 2002

Originally published in Les Feuillets du Courtil, Issue 20, 2002, p7-15; Re-printed in Halleux, B. de (ed.), Quelque chose à dire à l’enfant autiste Pratique à plusieurs à L’Antenne 110, Éditions Michèle, Paris, 2010, p219-222;. Published Hurly-Burly, Issue 7, May 2012, p223-226, Download, translated by Adrian Price, here Other texts on autism here

Éric Laurent : The case, from unease to the lie : February 2002

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Michele Julien, here

Éric Laurent : Trauma in Reverse : 27th April 2002 (New York)

Publication details, references & notes /f) Trauma (1 A Lacanian Clinic/ C Cartel or group work ) Download here

Éric Laurent : On the Right Use of Supervision : May 2002

Extensive notes on references, publication details Download, translated by Heather Menzies, here or here

Éric Laurent : Can Psychoanalysis be Cured? : December 2002

Note, This paper originally bore the title, ‘Guérir de la psychanalyse’. The above title has been proposed by the author, TN. : Published Mental ONLINE (International Journal of Mental Health and Applied Psychoanalysis), Vol 11 : December 2002 : Analysis in the Age of Globalization : Translated by Adrian Price, Download here


Éric Laurent : The Name-of-the-Father – Psychoanalysis and Democracy

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Maria Cristina Aguirre, here By Éric Laurent either /éric laurent or at

Éric Laurent : Relieve Anxiety? : December 2003

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Thelma Sowley, here


Éric Laurent : How to recompose the Name-of-the Father

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Rivka Warshawsky, here

Éric Laurent : How to swallow the medication?

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Justin Clemens, & here

Éric Laurent : On the origin of the Other and the post-traumatic object (Chapter 5) : 6th November 2004 (Lyon)

Publication details, references & notes , p97-118 of Lost in Cognition-Psychoanalysis and the Cognitive Sciences : Éric Laurent : 2014 (in French 2008, Hebrew 2012) : Further information here Download, translated by Adrian Price here, Further texts on Trauma here


Éric Laurent : How we inform the People : 14th March 2005

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Vivian Rehberg, here

Éric Laurent : Chapter 1 : Chomsky with Joyce : 11th April 2005 (Paris)

Publication details, references & notes here or here : Download, translated by Adrian Price, here : Further texts on Ordinary Psychosis here, on Autism here , by Éric Laurent here

Éric Laurent : The Blind Alleys of Cognitive Psychoanalysis (Chapter 6) : 24th April 2005 (Psy Forum, Paris)

Publication details & notes here p119-126 of ‘Lost in Cognition-Psychoanalysis and the Cognitive Sciences : 2008’ as ‘The cul-de-sac of cognitive psychoanalysis’ (Further information here) : Download, translated by Lieve Billiet here

Éric Laurent : The Black Hole of Vanities : 9th September 2005

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Thelma Sowley with the participation of Anne Lecroart, here

Éric Laurent : Partial Summary of a Reading of “Triumph of Religion” (Montreal, Canada) : 18th November 2005

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Éric Laurent : Interpreting Psychosis from Day to Day : October 2005

Publication details, references & notes Download here


Éric Laurent : Symptom and Discourse : 2006

Published Ch 12, p227-252 of ‘Jacques Lacan & the Other Side of Psychoanalysis (Reflections on Seminar XVII)’, Eds Justin Clemens & Russell Grigg, Duke University Press, 2006. : Download here

Éric Laurent : Chapter 4 : The psychopathy of evaluation : March 2006

Originally published as “Blog-notes” psychopathie de l’évaluation” in La Cause Freudienne, issue 62, March 2006, p51-70. Published, translated by Adrian Price, p45-76 of Lost in Cognition: Psychoanalysis and the Cognitive Sciences : September 2014 : Éric Laurent : Information/Notes here : Previously translated by Michele Julien as “Blog-Notes: The Psychopathology of Evaluation” in the Psychoanalytical Notebooks of the London Society, issue 16, May 2007, p45-75 : Download here

Éric Laurent : A new love for the father : 29th April 2006 (Columbia University, New York)

Text presented at a 2-day international symposium, Low Library Rotunda, Columbia University, NY – Published p75-90 of ‘The Dead Father, A Psychoanalytic Enquiry’, Editors Lila J. Kalinidi & Stuart W. Taylor, Routledge 2008 : Download here, Related texts Julia Kristeva (2006) & Maria-Crìstina Aguirre (2008), Other texts by Éric Laurent here

Éric Laurent : Guiding Principles for Any Psychoanalytic Act : 16th July 2006 (Rome)

Information & notes here Download here

Éric Laurent interviewed by Jacques Munier on Ordinary Psychosis (an excerpt) : September 2006

Information & notes here Download, translated by Thomas Svolos, here Further texts on Ordinary Psychosis here

Éric Laurent : Ordinary Psychosis : 26th November 2006 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Laurent). Download translated by Dinorah Otero here, & translated by Roger Litten with Questions & Answers here


Éric Laurent : The Dialogue Lacan-Kojève on Bureaucracy and on Empire : 2008 (approx.)

See /5 Other Authors A-Z (Laurent). Download, translated by Rivka Warshawsky, here. Full text, in French,

Éric Laurent : Lost in Cognition – Psychoanalysis and the Cognitive Sciences : French 2008 & Hebrew 2012 & English September 2014

Publication & Notes Further links in July 2012 & September 2014. Download References (p151) & Index (p163) of English 2014 Edition, here

Éric Laurent : The Perverse Effects of EBM and the Remedies that Psychoanalysis Brings : 2nd February 2008 (Paris)

Publication details, references & notes here Download translated by Adrian Price here OR here Other texts on evaluation here

Éric Laurent : Metamorphosis and Extraction of the Object a in the Pragmatics of the Cure : 16th March 2008 (Ghent, Belgium)

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Laurent). Translated by Thelma Sowley : Download here

Éric Laurent : Ordinary Interpretation : 12th July 2008 (Paris)

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Éric Laurent : Protecting the Child from the Family Delusion : 8th November 2008 (Barcelona)

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Laurent). Download, translated by Florencia F.C. Shanahan here Quoted in Ombilic 22, towards PIPOL 10 on ‘Wanting a child? Desire for family and clinic of filiations, 28 June 2021, See & quoted in biography towards PIPOL 11 – Clinic & Critique of Patriarchy, See


Éric Laurent : Psychoanalysis and Science : Spring 2009?

Published in THE SYMPTOM 10, Spring 2009 – “Universalism versus globalization. This at least will be our US chapter – to be read as United Symptoms,” Jacques-Alain Miller : It has not been possible to find if this was published before. It is noted that Lost in Cognition, Psychoanalysis & the Cognitive Sciences : Éric Laurent : Karnac Books, September 2014 Originally published in French : as Lost in cognition- Psychanalyse et sciences cognitives : by Éditions Cécile Defaut : 2008 was published the year before this appeared. Download, translated by Richard Klein,

Éric Laurent : A Fundamental Point of Departure : 10th May 2009 (Paris)

Given in Paris at the end of the NLS Congress “Lacanian Interpretation” on 10th May 2009. Published p51-60 of Hurly-Burly, No. 2 – November 2009 : Download, translated by Adrian Price, here Other texts by Éric Laurent here

Éric Laurent : The Pass … or to Finesse Against the Subject Supposed to Know : 14th May 2009 (Paris/English Seminar)

Publication details, references & notes here Download here Other texts by Éric Laurent

Éric Laurent : New Erotics of the Divine : November 2009 (Paris)

Text presented at the ‘Study Days of the ECF’ – How does one become a psychoanalyst in the 21st Century : November 2009 : published Hurly Burly, Vol 4, October 2010, p231-240. Download translated by David Hafner & Adrian Price here


Éric Laurent : Private Language, Private Jouissance : 2nd May 2010 (Paris)

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Éric Laurent : The Pass and Remainders of Identification : 10th June 2010 (Rennes, France)

Publication details, references & notes here Download translated by Joanne Conway here Further information Other texts by Éric Laurent or /éric laurent or authors by date

REFERENCE in translation : Serge Leclaire : The Dream with the Unicorn – Pôor(d)j’e-li : 1st November 1960 (Bonneval Hospital) [published 1966/68] – Footnote 5 – See here or /authors by date or authors a-z

Éric Laurent : The Symbolic Order in the XXI Century : Consequences for the Treatment : July 2010

Publication details, references & notes here Download here


Éric Laurent : Does Psychoanalysis cure of transference? (an excerpt) : 2011

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Éric Laurent : Big Bang ! (LQ 21) : 9th September 2011

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Éric Laurent : Lacan as Analysand (video) (New York) : 30th September to 2nd October 2011

Publication details, references & notes Watch here or

Éric Laurent: Against Neuro-metaphors (video) (New York) : 30th September to 2nd October 2011

Publication details, references & notes Watch here or

Éric Laurent : The Entanglements of Narcissism (LQ 75) : 31st October 2011

Originally published in Lacan Quotidien, No 75, 31st October 2011, p2-3, Hurly-Burly, Issue 7, May 2012, p239-24, Download translated by Adrian Price here

Éric Laurent : ▪ Le sac de nœuds ▪ The Tracery of Incarnation (LQ 96) : 22nd November 2011

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Yannis Grammatopoulos, Anna Pigkou, Dimitris Alexakis, here or here

Éric Laurent : The Discoveries of Evolutionary Psychology (LQ 106) : 4th December 2011

Originally published in Lacan Quotidien, No 106, 4th December 2011. Then Hurly-Burly, Issue 7, May 2012, p235-238, Download translated by Adrian Price here


Éric Laurent : ▪ CHRONIQUE – Le Sac de nœuds ▪ Buenos Aires Lacaniano 2011-2012 (LQ 120) : 4th January 2012

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Thomas Svolos, here

Éric Laurent : Storytelling and Judgment (LQ 142) : 27th January 2012

Publication details, references & notes www.LacanianWorks.ORG /1 A Lacanian Clinic (autism). Download, translated by Francine Danniau and Victoria Woollard, here Texts on autism www.LacanianWorks.ORG /1 A Lacanian Clinic (autism)

Éric Laurent : Autism-Epidemic or Ordinary State of the Subject? (LQ 194) : 10th April 2012

Publication details, references & notes www.LacanianWorks.ORG /1 A Lacanian Clinic (autism). Download here In French here Other texts on autism www.LacanianWorks.ORG /1 A Lacanian Clinic (autism)

Éric Laurent : Research and Punish – Ethics Today (LQ 199) : 18th April 2012

Publication details, references & notes here In French here, English, translated by Florencia Fernandez Coria Shanahan, here

Éric Laurent : The Chronicle of Éric Laurent – Starts (jolts) of the Clinic and the Dead-End (impasse) of Neuro-Multiculturalism (LQ 208) : 16th May 2012

Publication details, references & notes In French here, In English, translated by Frances Coates-Ruet, here

Éric Laurent : The Profound and Enduring Crisis of the DSM Zone (LQ 219) : 6th June 2012

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Frances Coates-Ruet, here Further texts on Evidence base for treatments (NICE) & on Evaluation and Outcome Measurement

Éric Laurent : Psychosis, or Radical Belief in the Symptom : 17th June 2012 (Tel Aviv, Israel)

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Adrian Price, here Texts on Psychosis on Schreber

Éric Laurent : Speaking through One’s Symptom, Speaking through One’s Body : 7th July 2012 (Lausanne) & 23rd November 2013 (Buenos Aires)

Publication details, extensive notes on references here Watch in French here, Download, translated by Adrian Price, here Introduction, only, translated by Janet Haney here

Éric Laurent : Interview by Or Ezrati : 20th July 2012 (Israel)

Publication details & information here This interview marked the publication of Laurent’s book ‘Lost in Cognition’ (Information here) in Hebrew. Download here


Éric Laurent : Who will look after the children? (LQ 270) : 15th January 2013

Published by Lacan Quotidien, see here, in English, published by Hurly Burly, v9 May 2013, p236-238, translated by Natalie Wülfing, download here

Éric Laurent : Immanent Money : October 2013

Publication details & information here Download, translated by Pauline O’Callaghan, here More texts Contemporary Case Studies from Life & Lacanian Transmission

Éric Laurent : On the real in a psychoanalysis : 17th October 2013

Publication details & information Download, translated by Julia Richards, here or here Texts on ‘The Symbolic Order in the XXIst Century’ here


Éric Laurent : Racism 2.0 (LQ 371) : 26th January 2014

Publication details & information Download, translated by Adrian Price, here

Éric Laurent : Psychoanalysis and the Post-DSM Crisis : July 2014 (approx)

Publication details & information Download, translated by Adrian Price, here. Further texts on

Evidence base for treatments (NICE)

& on Evaluation and Outcome Measurement

Éric Laurent : Preface to the English-Language Edition, Loss and Cognition : September 2014

Published pix to xvi of ‘Lost in Cognition – Psychoanalysis and the Cognitive Sciences’ : Information & Notes here : Download, translated by Adrian Price here

Éric Laurent : Psychoanalysis and the Cognitive Paradigm : 13th September 2014 (Dublin)

Presentation given by Éric Laurent in Dublin at ICLO-NLS on the occasion of the launch of the translation of his book “Lost in Cognition: Psychoanalysis and Neurosciences.” : Information & Notes here : Video see here

Report of the book launch : by Florencia Shanahan : circulated as : nls-messager 1157.en/ ICLO-NLS: REPORT – Eric Laurent in Dublin : published by the New Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis / : on 21st September 2014 20:22 : available here


Éric Laurent : The Stepladder (Escabeau) and Freudian Sublimation. From forcing to manipulation : A reading of «Joyce the Symptom» : 3rd February 2015 (Paris)

Publication details, extensive references & notes Audio of all the Course Download, transcript by Didier Mathey, translated by Julia Richards, or here

Éric Laurent : The Logic and Surprises of Supervision at the Time of the Parlêtre : 7th March 2015 (Italy)

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Éric Laurent : “The Unconscious is Politics”, today (LQ 518) : May 2015

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Ilya Merlin & Mikhail Pozdniakov with Julia Evans’ notes, here Further texts : Ethics Definitions of humanness

Éric Laurent : The Unconscious and the Body Event – the full interview : July 2015

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Laurent) Download, translated by Philip Dravers, here

Éric Laurent (Interview) : The Unconscious and the Body Event (Extract) : July 2015 (Circulated nls-messager on 26th April 2016)

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Philip Dravers, here or here

Éric Laurent : PIPOL 7 / ‘ Victime !’ Jouissance et radicalisation (LQ 528) : 17th July 2015.

See /5 Other Authors A-Z or available, in French only, or here


Éric Laurent : Society of Digital Distrust : Spring 2016

Includes ‘Desire for Certainty : Descartes and the order of reasons’ : 11th March 1991 (Buenos Aires) : Jacques-Alain Miller, translated by Austin Gross

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Philip Dravers, here

Éric Laurent : The symptom in the perspective of the speaking body in civilisation : 19th May 2016 (London)

Publication details, references & notes here Listen here

Éric Laurent, Interview by Lluís Amiguet : Woman doesn’t exist; women exist, one by one : 23rd May 2016

Published in La Vanguardia on 23/05/2016, see here Translated from the Spanish by Howard Rouse, published in SCRĺOBH 3, December 2017 (Journal of ICLO-NLS – Irish Circle of the Lacanian Orientation – New Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis) Download p7-9 of here Other texts by Éric Laurent here

Éric Laurent : A Portrait of Joyce as a Saint Homme : 2nd July 2016 (Dublin) :

Presented at the XIVth New Lacanian School Congress in Dublin, ‘Discreet Signs in Ordinary Psychosis’, on Saturday 2nd July 2016 : Published p18-30 of The Lacanian Review Issue 05 July 2018 : Download, translated by Russell Grigg, here Other texts on Ordinary Psychosis here by Éric Laurent here


Éric Laurent : New incarnations of the desire for democracy in Europe : 31st October 2017

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Alasdair Duncan, revised by Véronique Voruz, here

Éric Laurent : Decided Desires and Joyful Passions in Democracy : 18th November 2017 (Turin)

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Bogdan Wolf, Janet Haney and Philip Dravers, here


Éric Laurent : Disruption of Jouissance in the Madnesses under Transference : 6th April 2018 (Barcelona)

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Philip Dravers, here


Éric Laurent : The Réveil (Awakening) from the Rêve (Dream) or th’Esp of a Rêve (Dream) : January 2019

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Samya Seth reviewed by Maria Cristina Aguirre, here

Éric Laurent : Europe through the Ordeal of Hate (Part 1 & 2) : 16th February 2019 (Milan, Italy)

Closing speech made at the ZADIG European Forum – Love and Hate for Europe, Milan 16th February 2019. Published, Part 1 – p250-256 & Part 2 – p257-261 of The Lacanian Review, Issue 09-Still Life?, Spring 2020 : Download, translated by Bogdan Wolf, here

Éric Laurent : Desire, Jouissance and Fantasy : 4th May 2019 : Interview by Iara Bianchi

Interview by Iara Bianchi for ‘De Inconscientes’ Full interview, Date of interview not given. Translated by Florencia F. C. Shanahan & Roger Litten, Published in Lacanian Review Online, Download here or at

Éric Laurent : Interpretation : From Truth to Event : 2nd June 2019 (Tel Aviv)

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Philip Dravers and Florencia F. C. Shanahan, here with Julia Evans’ notes here

Éric Laurent : Preface to the German and Hebrew Editions of ‘The Other Side of Biopolitics’ : 14th July 2019 (Brussels)

Éric Laurent’s ‘The Other Side of Biopolitics’, Published in French – 2016, Hebrew & German – probably 2019. This Preface, published in French, Lacan Quotidien 851, LQ 851 18th September 2019, See here : Presented at the plenary session of Pipol 9 – the 5th European Congress of Psychoanalysis organized by the EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis (EFP) which took place in Brussels on 13-14 July 2019, under the title “The Unconscious and the Brain : Nothing in Common.” : Published p187-192 of The Lacanian Review, Issue 09, Spring 2020. : Download, translated by Adrian Price, here

Éric Laurent Interviewed by Fernando Garcia : This is the Era of Authoritarian and Inconsistent Leaders : 21st December 2019 (Buenos Aires)

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Sheila Power and Caroline Heanue, reviewed by Florencia F.C. Shanahan, here


Éric Laurent : Lacanian Unarism and the Multiplicity of Sexual Behaviours (LQ 865) : 31st January 2020

Published in Lacan Quotidien No. 865 on 31st January 2020. Published, translated by Raphael Montague, in Scriobh 11 – December 2021, The Newsletter of ICLO-NLS. Download /Scriobh / 11 – December 2021. Other texts by Éric Laurent here or /éric laurent

Éric Laurent : The Other that Does Not Exist and Its Scientific Committees (LQ 874, LRO COVID-19 / 2020 #13) : 23rd March 2020

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Philip Dravers, here or with Julia Evans’ notes, here


Éric Laurent : The Culture of Abusive Treatments (LQ 930/LRO 308) : 8th January 2021

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Laurent) or by date. In French, LQ 930, here Download, translated by Philip Dravers, here

Comments developing this text ‘The Royal College of Psychiatrists & Lacanian in the UK’ : Julia Evans : 3rd July 2021: See /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans)

Éric Laurent : From the trans (LQ 928) : 25th April 2021

Published in French at Download in English here

Related text : À propos of transsexualism, Interview with Michel F : 21st February 1976 : Jacques Lacan Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Philip Anderson, bilingual, at /Lacan (20 – Entretien avec Michel H. ; À propos de transsexualisme—bilingual)

Laughing at Norms : 21st November 2021 (Lyons) : Éric Laurent

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Laurent). Download, translated by Julia Richards, here

Éric Laurent : A Vision of the Streaming of the One : December 2021

Publication details, references & notes Download, with notes on the references, here


Éric Laurent : The Father after Patriarchy (Part 1) : 16th December 2022 (Moscow)

Translated by Adeena May,

The irreducible place of the father (Part II) : 16th December 2022 (Moscow) : Éric Laurent

Translated by Adeena May, Available : or here

Performative Jouissance and Analytic Act [1] : 6th October 2022 : Éric Laurent

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Laurent). Download or here


The Mad Love of a Mother : 1st July 2023 : Éric Laurent

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Laurent). Download, translated by Bogdan Wolf, checked by Nicolas Duchenne, here

Julia Evans

Practising Lacanian Psychoanalyst in Sandwich Kent & London – Contact here