Texts referred to in by author


Texts referred to in by author

Please note: All links are currently being updated. For any assistance or more information contact Julia Evans.

These texts are presented in date order. They are related to Jacques Lacan either because he refers to them or they comment on some aspects of the Lacanian clinic. Full publication details, relation to the Lacanian field and notes are available on, at the web-links. All available texts are listed here & texts by Julia Evans, here. For texts not shown here, contact Julia Evans.

UPDATE February 2023 – links to information.

For any links which do not work, first search, for any transferred & updated texts. Then go to or for the links to texts as at December 2022, before was hacked.


Karl Abraham : The Psycho-Sexual Differences between Hysteria and Dementia Praecox : 26th April 1908 (Salzburg)

Publication details, translators, references & notes here Download, translated by Douglas Bryan & Alix Strachey, here

Karl Abraham : The First Pregenital Stage of the Libido : 1916

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Karl Abrahams : Manifestations of the Female Castration Complex : 1920

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Karl Abraham : A Short Study of the Development of the Libido, Viewed in the Light of Mental Disorders : 1924

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Robyn Adler : Re-found in translation : 26th May 2022

Circulation, Towards the XXth NLS Congress – Fixation & Repetition – Lausanne, Switzerland, 2nd to 3rd July 2022, From: New Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis – NLS-Messager, Subject: [nls-messager] TUCHÉ : Work in Progress, Date: 26 May 2022 at 10:23:37 BST, Published, Work in progress, Re-found in translation by Robyn Adler at & with notes here

Maria-Crìstina Aguirre : Part II, The father embodied, Introduction : 2008

Published P59-63 of ‘The Dead Father, A Psychoanalytic Enquiry’ : Edited by Lila J. Kalinidi & Stuart W Taylor : Routledge, 2008 : Download here, Related texts Julia Kristeva (April 2006) & Éric Laurent (April 2006) Further texts by Maria-Crìstina Aguirre here

Jean Allouch : Timeline for the case of Marguerite (Aimée) (French only) : 1991

Publication details, notes & references here, Download here

Ganesh Anantharaman : An Extimate Experience : 25th July 2020

Publication details, references & notes here Download here or NLS cartels’ newsletter, 4+1, issue 16 here or here or here Other texts by Ganesh Anantharaman here

Ganesh Anantharaman : Present without a body: absence, lack, & loss in the work of a cartel : 12th December 2020 (Zoom Intercartel Meeting)

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Ganesh Anantharaman : Navigating the entanglement of Desire and Jouissance : 10th July 2021 (Zoom Cartel Exchange)

Publication details, references & notes here Other texts, on or by cartels here, by Ganesh Anantharaman here Download here

Ganesh Anantharaman : From Patient to Practitioner : 1st February 2023

Publication details, references & notes Download

François Ansermet : When Urgency comes from the Past : 1st April 2019

Publication details, notes & references here (Seminar VI : 10th December 1958) Download here

François Ansermet : Uncertainty in the Time of Coronavirus (LRO 334) : 14th February 2022

Originally published as CHRONIQUE DU MALAISE : L’INCERTITUDE AU TEMPS DU CORONAVIRUS 14 Février 2022, Nouvelle Série, Chronique Du Malaise, L’Hebdo-Blog 262 Par François Ansermet. Published by The Lacanian Review On-line (LRO 334) on 30th March 2022, translated by Kirsten Ellerby, at Notes on references here Other texts on Coronavirus at /authors by date (from March 2020) or

Alicia Arenas : Closing Remarks Clinical Study Days 3, in Omaha, Nebraska, 8th June 2008 – On Interpretation

Published p66-72 of Lacanian Compass : August 8, 2008 : Volume 1 Issue 13 – Psychoanalytic Newsletter of Lacanian Orientation : Further texts of the clinic here : Download here

Anna Aromí & Xavier Esqué : The Ordinary Psychoses and the Others – Under Transference (Argument for XIth WAP Congress) : 26th March 2017

Publication details, notes & references /5 Other Authors A-Z (Aromí or Esqué). Download translated by Philip Dravers in collaboration with María Cristina Aguirre and Roger Litten, here

Dalila Arpin (audio) : What does an Analysis satisfy? Episode 1 (Dublin) : 11th October 2019

Publication details, notes & references Listen

Jorge Assef : The Zombie Epidemic: Hypermodern Version of the Apocalypse : 25th November 2013

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Jorge Assef : We shall build up again… : 31st March 2020

Publication details, references & notes here Download. here, or here, or with Julia Evans’ notes. here

Paul Atkinson : It is time we stopped colluding : 10th March 2023

Publication details, references & notes /by date (March 2023) or /5 Other Authors A-Z (Atkinson) Download here

Jacques Aubert : Presentation at Lacan’s Seminar : 20th January 1976 (Paris)

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Adrian Price, here

Jacques Aubert : Reading Notes to Jacques Lacan’s Seminar XXIII : 2005

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Adrian Price, here

Jacques Aubert : Passed Over Stories : 6th November 2005 (Paris))

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Adrian Price, here

Jacques Lacan with Victor Nikolaevitch Smirnoff (Smirnov), Xavier Audouard, Jean Laplanche, & Unknown : 3rd February 1960 : Discussion during Seminar VII

Publication details, notes & references /Authors A-Z (Audouard). Download, in French only, here


Virginio Baio : Cito tute iucunde : A Clinic with an Autistic Subject : 11th June 1993 (Brussels)

Publication details, notes & references here Download here Other texts on autism here

Virginio Baio : Autism : 13th July 2006 (Rome)

Publication details, notes & references here Download here Scilicet July 2006 here Other texts on autism here

Alice Balint : Love for the Mother and Mother Love : 1939

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Michael Balint : Preface to ‘Primary Love and Psycho-analytic Technique : April 1952

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Roland Barthès : An Intransitive Verb? & Discussion (20th October 1966 – Baltimore)

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Miquel Bassols : Banking on the Subject : May 2005

Published in Lacanian Praxis: International Quarterly of Applied Psychoanalysis, No 1, May 2005. Download, translated by B. W. Cann, here Further texts, by Miquel Bassols here or /authors a-z (Bassols)

Miquel Bassols : Family and Name-of-the-Father : July 2006 (Rome)

From the VIth World Association of Psychoanalysis’ Conference: ‘Scilicet of the Name of the Father’: Rome: 13th – 16th July, 2006. Published by Download, translated by Liliana Singer, here Further texts, by Miquel Bassols here or /authors a-z (Bassols)

Miquel Bassols : A woman is authorised by herself : 15th April 2013

Circulated by the EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis on 15th April 2013 as Pipol News 42 : Towards the Second (II) European Congress of Psychoanalysis, Pipol 6 – After Oedipus, women are conjugated IN THE FUTURE. Download translated by Florencia Fernandez Coria Shanahan & Roger Litten here. Further texts, by Miquel Bassols here or /authors a-z (Bassols). Commentary : Comments on ‘A woman is authorised by herself’: An example of THE feminine: Margaret Thatcher? by Julia Evans on 16th April 2013 see here

Miquel Bassols : Retales : 20th November 2013 (Buenos Aires)

Given as XIIIth Seminar for lecturers at the (Institute Nueva Escuela), in its cycle for ongoing formation, held in Buenos Aires on 20 and 21 November 2013.Circulated on New Lacanian School’s Messenger as : [nls-messager] 1109.en/ LATIGO “Retales” Miquel Bassols [English – Francais] : 22nd July 2014 09:14 Download, translated by Roger Litten, reviewed by Florencia F.C. Shanahan, here Further texts, by Miguel Bassols here or /authors a-z (Bassols)

Miquel Bassols : 15th February 2014 : The Paradoxes of Transference (New York)

Publication details, translators, references & notes Download here Related texts here Further texts, by Miquel Bassols here or /authors a-z (Bassols)

Miquel Bassols : A Politics of Lacanian Action (LRO 313) : August 2014

Excerpt translated from the original article, published in Spanish here: Published in translation by as LRO 313. Download, translated by Roger Litten, here. Further texts, by Miquel Bassols here or /authors a-z (Bassols)

Miquel Bassols : The image body and the speaking body : 22nd June 2015

Orientation text towards 10th WAP congress : The Speaking Body: On the Unconscious in the 21st Century : 25-28 April 2016 : Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro. Download, translated by Noga Wine, here Further texts, by Miquel Bassols here or /authors a-z (Bassols)

Miquel Bassols : The Body, the Visible and the Invisible : 6th September 2015

Towards 10th WAP congress : The Speaking Body: On the unconscious in the 21st Century : 25-28 April 2016 : Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro. Presented at the 7th ENAPOL Congress. Audio in Spanish at Download, translated by Alejandro Betancur Velez, here Further texts, by Miquel Bassols here or /authors a-z (Bassols)

Miquel Bassols : Psychosis, Ordered Under Transference : possibly September 2017

Publication details, notes & references at /5 Other Authors A-Z (Bassols). Download or with Julia Evans’ notes, here.

Miquel Bassols : The Analyst’s Impossible Identification : 25th September 2017

Presented at the EOL Study-Days, Fantasies, Fictions, Mutations, September 2017. Published in SCRĺOBH 5 – December 2018 by Irish Circle of the Lacanian Orientation (ICLO-NLS) Circulated by Sciobh Newsletter on 22nd December 2018. Audio in Spanish at Download, from, translated by Howard Rouse, at here

Miquel Bassols : The Logic of the Stranger : 13th February 2018

Publication details, notes & references here Download, translated by Sabrina Di Cioccio, revised by J. Haney, at Further texts, by Miquel Bassols here or /authors a-z (Bassols)

Miquel Bassols : Killing Me Softly… : 9th November 2018

Towards the Zadig European Forum in Belgium, 1st December 2018, Circulated by EuroFédération de Psychanalyse, Subject: European Forum in Brussels – Killing me softly, Date: 11 November 2018 at 18:47:16 GMT. Download, translated by Lorena Hojman Davis, at Further texts, by Miquel Bassols here or /authors a-z (Bassols)

Miquel Bassols : Social Distancing & Subjective Approximation : 15th May 2020 (Valencia-Zoom)

Presented at the Conference “Social Distancing and Subjective Approximation”, organised by The Seminar of the Freudian Field in Valencia, took place online on the 15th May 2020 with 700 participants. Published by ICLO-NLS Scríobh Issue 8 | June 2020 [Irish Circles of the Lacanian Orientation, New Lacanian School]. Audio in Spanish available at Download text, translated by Howard Rouse, here

Miquel Bassols : Transference of Work is the Orientation (LRO 287) : November 2020

This article was originally published in El Psicoanalisis. Revista de la Escuela Lacaniana de Psicoanalisis. [Journal of the ELP] No. 36, November 2020. Published in translation by as LRO 287. Download, translated by Roger Litten, here Further texts, by Miguel Bassols here or /authors a-z (Bassols)

Miquel Bassols : The Difference between the Sexes does not exist in the Unconscious : 2nd December 2020

Text published in Spanish on the 2nd December 2020 on the Zadig Spain Blog. Published in Scriobh 11- December 2021, The Newsletter of ICLO-NLS, translated by Raphael Montague. See /Scriobh / 11 – December 2021. Further texts, by Miguel Bassols here or /authors a-z (Bassols)

Lorena Rivero de Beer : End Text, (The topic, Zazen & the embodiment of emptiness – symptom/body event) : 10th July 2021 (Zoom exchange between cartels)

Publication details, notes & references here Other texts, on or by cartels here , by Lorena Rivero de Beer here Download here

Mario L. Beira : Heidegger’s Essay on the Logos of Heraclitus – an Introduction : 31st December 2021

Commentary on’ Translation of Heidegger’s essay on ‘Heraclitus Logos’ : Winter 1956 : Jacques Lacan’ Download /lacan /6

Mario L. Beira : A Brief Note on Lacan’s Presentation on the ‘Names-of-the-Father’ on the establishment of its text and its translation : 7th March 2022

Published /Lacan (7. Lacan’s November 20 1963 Introduction to the Names-of-the-Father (3 translations))

Maurice Bénassy : Evolution de la psychanalyse : 1956

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Bice Benvenuto & Roger Kennedy : The works of Jacques Lacan: an introduction : 1986

Publication details, references & notes Download i) Introduction, p0 to 27, here ii) Chapter 1: First Works: 1926-1933 (Aimée) : p31 – 46, here, iii) Chapter 2 The Mirror Stage (1936): p47 to 62 here

Siegfried Bernfeld : Bemerkungen über Sublimierung (Observations on Sublimation) : 1922

Publication details, references & notes Download, in German only, p333-338 here, p339-344 here

Siegfried Bernfeld & Sergei Feitelberg : The Principle of Entropy and the Death Instinct (Der Entropiesatz und der Todestrieb) : 1931

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Siegfried Bernfeld : The Facts of Observation in Psychoanalysis : October 1941

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Siegfried Bernfeld : An unknown autobiographical fragment by Freud : 1946

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Ludwig Binswanger : Extravagance, perverseness, manneristic behaviour and schizophrenia : 1956

Publication details here Notes & references here Download here

Sarah Birgani : The accidental in Freud’s repetition : 10th March 2022

Towards the XXth NLS Psychoanalysis Congress – Fixation & repetition – July 2022 – Zurich, Switzerland. Circulated by NLS-MessagerNew Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis – MessagerSubject: [nls-messager] 4177.en/ TUCHÉ : “Fixierung & Wiederholung”. Available

Réginald Blanchet : What is concealed by the so-called “Cht” and why? : 9th March 2019

Publication details, availability, references & notes, with notes, /5 Other Authors A-Z (Blanchet) or without notes here

Eugene Bleuler : The prognosis of dementia praecox: the group of schizophrenias : 1908

Publication details, Notes & references /5 Other Authors A-Z (Bleuler) Download here

Felix Boehm : The Femininity-Complex in Men : 12th November 1929 [1930]

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Maurice Bouvet : Clinical Analysis : 1956

Publication details, notes & references /5 Other Authors A-Z (Bouvet) Download ‘La clinique psychanalytique, la relation d’objet’ here, translated by R. J. Hilton & abbreviated by Ruth Emma Roman here

Guy Briole : The Dream – An interpretation of the subject : 1996

Originally published in La Cause Freudienne no 34 1996. In translation, p35-42 of Psychoanalytical Notebooks, Issue 2 Spring 1999. Download, translated by Richard Klein, here Other texts by Guy Briole here or /authors a-z (B)

Guy Briole : War and the Name-of-the-Father : July 2006 (Rome)

From the VIth World Association of Psychoanalysis’ Conference: ‘Scilicet of the Name of the Father’: Rome: 13th – 16th July, 2006. Published by Download, translated by Thelma Sowley, here Other texts by Guy Briole here or /authors a-z (B)

Guy Briole : A real for the 21st century – probably May 2013

Towards Un réel pour le XXIe siècle : IXth Congress of the WAP • 14-18 April 2014 • Paris • Palais des Congrès • : Download, translated by Florencia Fernández Coria Shanahan and Philip Dravers, here or with Julia Evans’ notes on references here Texts on ‘The Symbolic Order in the XXIst Century’ here Other texts by Guy Briole here or /authors a-z (B)

Guy Briole : Overturned Stepladders (Escabeaux) [A Short Essay of Decryption About Music] : about June 2015

Orientation text towards 10th WAP congress : The Speaking Body: On the Unconscious in the 21st Century : 25-28 April 2016 : Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro. A commentary on Éric Laurent’s text Speaking with one’s body-stepladder (corps-escabeau) : The Stepladder (Escabeau) and Freudian Sublimation. From forcing to manipulation : A reading of «Joyce the Symptom» : 3rd February 2015 Paris. Download, translated by Ian Curtis, here or here Other texts by Guy Briole here or /authors a-z (B)

Guy Briole, interviewed by Noa Farchi : 26th July 2016 (France) : A Tearing up of Time

Publication details, references & notes here Download here or here Other texts by Guy Briole here or /authors a-z (B)

Guy Briole : A Gray Discourse : 1st December 2018 (Brussels, Belgium)

Probably presented at the ZADIG Forum – Discourses that Kill, on 1st December 2018 in Brussels. p237-249 of The Lacanian Review, Issue 09 – Still Life?, Spring 2020, Download, translated by Domitille Krupka, here Other texts by Guy Briole here or /authors a-z (B)

William Brown : The treatment of cases of shell shock in an advanced neurological centre : 29th May 1918

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Muriel Gardiner (Editor) : The Wolf Man and Sigmund Freud [Texts by the Wolf-Man, Anna Freud, Sigmund Freud & Ruth Mack Brunswick] : 1973

Publication details & index here Notes by Muriel Gardiner & Anna Freud here Chapter 1 of Recollections from my Childhood by the Wolfman here My recollections of Sigmund Freud by the Wolf-Man here The case of the Wolf-Man by Sigmund Freud here & here A Supplement to Freud’s From the History of an Infantile Neurosis by Ruth Mack Brunswick here The Wolf-Man in Later Life by Muriel Gardiner & Index here


Paul Sérieux & Joseph Capgras : Misinterpretative delusional states : 1909

Publication details Notes & references Download here

Neus Carbonnel : The autist – a subject outside the norm? (14th November 2016)

Publication details, references & notes here Download here Other texts on autism here

Gil Caroz : Three names in the inexistent seminar : 2006

Publication details, references & notes here Download here Further texts by Gil Caroz either /authors a-z (Caroz) or

Gil Caroz : To Diagnose – An Effort of Poetry : 21st February 2016

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Roger Litten, here Further texts by Gil Caroz here, on Ordinary Psychosis here

Gil Caroz : Towards the 11th Clinical Study-Days: Conference “The Ego of the Obsessional” : 22nd October 2017 (New York)

Publication details, references & notes Listen to the audio here

Gil Caroz : The Taboo on Touching (LRO 253) : 6th August 2020

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Peggy Papada, here or with Julia Evans’ notes here

Jacques Lacan with Michel Cénac : A Theoretical Introduction to the Functions of Psychoanalysis in Criminology (Paris?) : 29th May 1950

Publication details, English translation, references & notes Download, translated by Mark Bracher, Russell Grigg, Robert Samuels, here In French here

Nathalie Charraud : A Calculus of Convergence : 1987

This article was first published as Charraud 1987, in the special issue of Ornicar? 40 p136-142, devoted to interpretation. It, and some two dozen other articles, appeared together under the general title: A Calculus of Interpretation. Published as ch 10 p218-226 of ‘Drawing the Soul: Schemas and Models in Psychoanalysis’ : Edited by Beranrd Burgoyne: Rebus Press: 2000 Download, with footnotes & translated by Bernard Burgoyne, here Further texts on Topology here

Nathalie Charraud : Cantor with Lacan (1) : 1998

Published (1) La Cause Freudienne , No 39 , 1998 (2) p117-139 of Psychoanalytical Notebooks PN 3 – Love, Autumn 1999. Download, translated by Vincent Dachy & Philip Dravers, here Further texts on Topology here

Nathalie Charraud : Cantor with Lacan (2) : 1999

Published (1) La Cause Freudienne , No 40, 1999 (2) p170-181 of Psychoanalytical Notebooks PN 4 – Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis, Spring 2000. Download, translated by Vincent Dachy & Heather Menzies here Further texts on Topology here

Nathalie Charraud : The passion for the dice: The other side of statistics. : 2004

Published 1) La passion du dé, envers de la statistique : Nathalie Charraud : Dans La Cause freudienne 2004/2 (N° 57), pages 107 à 109. 2) p97-101 Psychoanalystical Notebooks, PN 16, Regulation and Evaluation : Download, translated by Vincent Dachy, here Further texts on Topology here

Nathalie Charraud : X : the Unknown of the Equation and the Name-of-the-Father : 13th July 2006 (Rome)

From the Vth World Association of Psychoanalysis’ Conference: ‘Scilicet of the Name of the Father’: Rome: 13th – 16th July, 2006. Published by Download, translated by Thelma Sowley, here Further texts on Topology here

Philippe Chaslin : Discordant insanity : 1912

Publication details here Notes & references here Download here

Antonio di Ciaccia : The Love of God and of the Neighbour : 1999

Published (1) La Cause Freudienne , No 40, 1999 (2) p41-54 of Psychoanalytical Notebooks PN 3 – Love, Autumn 1999 : Download, translated by Richard Klein, here

Antonio di Ciaccia : Ethics in the Era of Globalisation : December 2002

Published in Mental ONLINE:International Journal of Mental Health and Applied Psychoanalysis :No11: December 2002:Analysis in the Age of Globalization : Translated by Julia Richards : Download here

Antonio di Ciaccia : God : 13th July 2006 (Rome)

From the Vith World Association of Psychoanalysis’ Conference: ‘Scilicet of the Name of the Father’: Rome: 13th – 16th July, 2006. Published by Download, translated by Daniele Maracci, Marco Bani, Chiara Tartaglione, Monica Vacca, Daniela Simone, here

Antonio di Ciaccia : The Stranger : 28th January 2018

Towards EuroFédération de Psychanalyse’s Forum Europeo di Roma : 24th February 2018 : The stranger – Subjective Unease and Social Malaise in the Phenomenon of Immigration in Europe, : Circulated on 14 January 2018 at 09:34:51 GMT by EFP Mailing list Download, translated by Veronique Voruz here

Antonio di Ciaccia : The Atopia of the Unconscious : 14th July 2019 (Brussels)

Presented at the plenary session of PIPOL 9 – the Vth European Congress of Psychoanalysis organized by the EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis (EFP) which took place in Brussels on 13-14 July 2019, under the title “The Unconscious and the Brain : Nothing in Common.” Published p193-197 of The Lacanian Review, Issue 09, Spring 2020. Download, translated by Isolda Alvarez here.

Justin Clemens & Russell Grigg : Introduction (p1-7) to Jacques Lacan & the other side of psychoanalysis, (reflections on Seminar XVII) : 2006

Published Duke University, Download here

Gaétan Gatian de Clérambault : Psychoses of passion : 1921

Publication details, notes & references 5 Other Authors A-Z (de Clérambault). Download here

Joanne Conway : Lacan with D. W. Winnicott : 25th June 2011 (Dublin)

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Conway) or Download at

Joan Copjec : Dossier on the Institutional Debate, An Introduction : 1990

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Oriol Corbacho : The Flavour of Nightmare (LRO 195) : 30th November 2019

Circulated by New Lacanian School’s Messager, Subject: [nls-messager] Subject: 3290.en/ Lacanian Review Online: Surrounded, Date: 1st December 2019 at 22:42:08 GMT Published by Lacanian Review Online, see &, With notes here

Domenico Cosenza : The dimension S0 and the object nothing in ordinary psychosis : 19th May 2017

Towards XI WAP Congress : The Ordinary Psychoses and the Others, Under Transference : in Barcelona April 2018. Circulated by New Lacanian School’s messager as [nls-messager] 2441.en/ Towards Barcelona 2018 – PAPERS 7.7.7. – N°1 The ordinary psychoses – their scopes and limits Published as part of Papers 7. 7. 7. Translated by Carlo Zuccarini download here Other texts on Ordinary Psychosis, by Domenico Cosenza /authors a-z

Serge Cottet : Gay Knowledge, Sad Truth : 1997

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (1997). Download, translated by Russell Grigg here

John Cutting & Michael Shepherd (Editors & Authors) : The Clinical Roots of the Schizophrenia Concept : 28th November 1986

Publication details, references & notes Download ‘(p1-10) Preface and Introduction’ here


Salvador Dali : L’Âne pourri / The Rotten Donkey : 1930

Published in the first issue (July 1930) of Le Surréalisme au service de la révolution, a periodical issued by the Surrealist Group in Paris between 1930 and 1933. It was the successor of La Révolution surréaliste (published 1924–29) and preceded the primarily surrealist publication Minotaure (1933 to 1939).

Published bilingual with translations by Haim Finkelstein and Arthur Goldhammer, see Lacan (99. DALI: « L’Âne pourri »)


See Lacan (99. DALI: « L’Âne pourri »)

GENERAL REFERENCE FOR DALI & LACAN – Dalí, photographer of irrational thought, A creative appropriation of Gabriel Dromard’s psychological theories : 22nd September 2008 : By Astrid Ruffa

Translated by Mario Beira and edited by Richard G. Klein See /Lacan (3. Gabriel Dromard’s influence on Dali and Lacan) In French Les réseaux de l’art, Dalí, photographe de la pensée irrationnelle, Une appropriation créative des théories psychologiques de Gabriel Dromard : 22nd Septembre 2008 : Astrid Ruffa at

Salvador Dali : Paranoiac ‐ Critical Interpretations of the Obsessive Image of Millet’s “Angelus” : June 1933

Dali’s article which appeared with Jacques Lacan’s in Minotaure (June 1933) Published

– with introduction to the publication of Minotaure by Richard Klein, including relation to Sigmund Freud

– bilingual, with translation by Eleanor R. Morse & Haim Finkelsteinn

at /Lacan (100 DALI: Interprétation Paranoïaque—critique de l’Image obsédante “L’Angélus de Millet” )

As it appeared originally : /Lacan (101 DALI: The article as it appeared in the inaugural issue of Minotaure (June 1933) )

RELATED TEXT – The Problem of Style and the Psychiatric Conception of Paranoiac Forms of Experience : June 1933 : Jacques Lacan

Publication details, English translation, references & notes here, Original publication available at /Lacan (90: Cover, table of contents, and Lacan’s article, Le problème du style as it first appeared in Minotaure no. 1 (June 1, 1933)), and was reprinted as P383-388 of the 1975 Seuil edition of Jacques Lacan’s thesis. Download, translated by Jon Anderson, at /lacan (July 1932), or bilingual download at /lacan (89 Le problème du style… & Motifs du crime paranoïaque: le crime des sœurs Papin). Includes an Introduction by Jan Anderson from Critical texts 5.3 & some contemporary newspaper articles.

Bilingual & translations by Jon Anderson & Russell Grigg at /Lacan (89. 2 translations)

Salvafor Dali : 1937 : La Metamorphose de Narcisse/Metamorphosis of Narcissus

Poem by Salvador Dalí (1937), with an introduction by André Breton. Published bilingual, translated by by Haim Finkelstein in 1998, see /Lacan (98. DALI: Metamorphose de Narcisse)

COMMENTARY – Dalí and the Myth of Narcissus : 25th December 2005 : Rosa Maria Maurell
Dali’s poem (1937) is followed by an English translation of Rosa Maria Maurell’s article on Dali’s poem and painting, originally published in El Punt on December 25, 2005

Published in English translation see /Lacan (98. DALI: Metamorphose de Narcisse)


Published at /Lacan (98. DALI: Metamorphose de Narcisse)

Salvador Dali : Le Mythe Tragique de l’Angélus de Millet/The Tragic Myth of Millet’s Angelus : 1938

See /Lacan (97. DALI: LE MYTHE TRAGIQUE DE L’ANGÉLUS DE MILLET: (Original in French at FR,)

The Tragic Myth of Millet’s Angelus, Paranoia-Critical Interpretation, including The Myth of William Tell (The whole truth about my expulsion from the Surrealist Group) by Salvador Dali

Translated by Eleanor R. Morse, 1986. See /Lacan (97. DALI: LE MYTHE TRAGIQUE DE L’ANGÉLUS DE MILLET: Eng1, Eng2, Eng3)

Jacques Derrida : Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences & Discussion : 21st October 1966 (Baltimore, USA)

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Helene Deutsch : The Psychology of Women in Relation to the Functions of Reproduction : April 1924 (Salzburg)

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Helene Deutsch : The Significance of Masochism in Mental Life of Women : 27th July 1929 (Oxford)

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Helene Deutsch : Some forms of emotional disturbance and their relationship to schizophrenia (‘as if’ case) : 1942

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Georges Devereux : Some Criteria for the Timing of Confrontations and Interpretations. : 1951

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

René Diatkine & Jean Favreau : Le caractère névrotique : 12th November 1954 (Paris)

Publication details, notes & references /5 Other Authors A-Z (Diatkiine or Favreau). Download in French here

René Diatkine, Jean Alphonse Favreau, Serge Lebovici, Patrick Luquet et Catherine Luquet-Parat [J. Luquet-Parat] : La Psychanalyse des Enfants : 1956

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Rosemary Dinnage : Introduction to D. P. Schreber’s ‘Memoirs’ : 2000

Publication details, references, quotes & notes here Download here

Françoise Dolto : Discussion de la Conférence : 4th December 1956

Publication details, notes & references here Download, in French only, /Lacan (73. Discussion de la Conférence de Mme Françoise Dolto du 4 décembre 1956 which Lacan refers to in his third session of Seminar 4 (December 5th, 1956))

‘The Languages of Criticism and the Sciences of Man : the Structuralist Controversy’ : 1970 : edited by Richard Macksey and Eugenio Donato

The Johns Hopkins Press Baltimore and London. Publication details, references & notes, Download /Texts by request

Hilda Doolittle : H.D. A Tribute to Freud: Writing on the Wall (1944)-Advent (1933-1934)

Publication details, notes & references here Download, Foreword by Norman Holmes Pearson (July 1973) pvii : Available here, Introduction by Kenneth Fields (July 1973) pxvii : Extract available here, Writing on the Wall (1944) p1 & P2-15 Available here, P14-19 & p58- 59 : Available here, p58-63, 76-77, 84-89, 92-95: Available here, Advent (2nd March 1933 – 15th June 1933) p113 & p134-135, 174-175, 166-67 : Available here, Appendix: Freud’s Letters to H.D. p189 See here Related texts here, Case Studies here, Other Historical Cases here

Ernest Dupré & Jean Logre : Confabulatory delusional states : 1911

Publication details here Notes & references here Download here


Michael Josef Eisler : A Man’s Unconscious Phantasy of Pregnancy in the Guise of Traumatic Hysteria—A Clinical Contribution to Anal Erotism : 1921

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Xavier Esqué & Anna Aromí : The Ordinary Psychoses and the Others – Under Transference (Argument for XIth WAP Congress) : 26th March 2017

Publication details, notes & references Download, translated by Philip Dravers in collaboration with María Cristina Aguirre and Roger Litten, here

Julia Evans : Paternity … Fatherhood (Commentary on Names-of-the-Father : 20th November 1963) : 10th October 2005

Publication here or in pdf here Further texts by Julia Evans or /authors a-z

Julia Evans : Notes on Seminar VII, 13th January 1960 (p91) – What is the reference to ‘Communicating Vases’? : 20th April 2013 (Reading Group)

See /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans)

Julia Evans : Seminar VII 3rd February 1960 (p129) – Discussion of ‘Function of sublimation with reference to the Thing.’ : 7th September 2013 (Reading Group)

See /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans)

Julia Evans : Notes from Seminar VII 3rd February 1960 – Victor Smirnov’s comments on René Spitz’s ‘Yes & No’ (p132-133) : 7th September 2013 (Reading Group)

See /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans)

Julia Evans : Notes from Seminar VII 3rd February 1960 (p133) – Interventions by Xavier Audouard & Jean Laplanche on René Spitz & the function of ‘rooting’: 28th September 2013 (Reading Group)

See /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans)

Julia Evans : Notes & References for Jacques Lacan’s Seminar IV 21st November 1956 : 28th February 2017

Publication details, notes & references Download here Other texts by Julia Evans & /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans or Index of Julia Evans’ texts)

Julia Evans : What makes the initial interventions by an analyst work? : 1st April 2017 (London, Open Clinical Meeting)

See /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or

Julia Evans : Commentary on Maurice Bouvet’s case of Obsessional Neurosis (Seminar IV) – a reconstruction of the case : 15th June 2017

See /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans)

Julia Evans : Notes & references for Jacques Lacan’s Seminar IV 28th November 1956 : 2nd July 2017

Publication details, notes & references Download here Other texts by Julia Evans & /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans or Index of Julia Evans’ texts)

Julia Evans : Why is trauma urgent? : 4th February 2019

Publication details, references & notes : Download here or abbreviated & published in 4 PLUS ONE, the NLS’s Cartels’ Newsletter, issue 10 February 2019 see Further texts by Julia Evans here, of cartels here, on trauma here

Julia Evans : Jacques Lacan cuts between the real/ly-symbolic (RS) & symbolically-real (SR) (a cartel ending/work-in-progress presentation) : 17th July 2019 (London)

Available or here Comments on ‘Of Structure as an Infixing …. : 21st October 1966 : Jacques Lacan’ at /lacan (October 1966)

Julia Evans : THE PANDEMIC versus a pandemic – Cartel Opening Statement : 25th April 2020

Publication details, notes & references here Index of Julia Evans’ texts here Other cartel texts here Download here

Julia Evans : A reflection on cartel work examining COVID-19 : 25th October 2020

Available here or here Other cartel texts here

Julia Evans : Treating Shell Shock – re-conceptualising what worked : 12th March 2021 (Zoom Intercartel Meeting)

Publication details, notes & references here Index of Julia Evans’ texts here Other cartel texts here Download here

Julia Evans : The Royal College of Psychiatrists & Lacanian in the UK : 3rd July 2021

Comments developing Éric Laurent’s ‘The Culture of Abusive Treatments’ (LQ 930/LRO 308) (8th January 2021) : See /5 Other Authors A-Z (Evans) or /2 Engagement with Beyond (Government Action) or here

Julia Evans : Two Forms of Body : 7th July 2021 (Zoom exchange between two cartels)

Publication details, notes & references Other texts, on or by cartels here , by Julia Evans here, Download here

Julia Evans : The UK’s Privy Council’s production via regulation of the one treatment, excluding all others, from the area known as Mental Health : 27th September 2021

Published Public Briefing Paper from the UK Association for Humanistic Psychology Practitioners : August 2021, available here Download with Julia Evans’ comments here

Julia Evans : Commentary : Seminar IV : 27th February 1957 – The Anorexic Gap : 1st February 2022

See or here Other texts by Julia Evans

Seminar IV 6th March 1957 – Reversing Sense : 1st March 2022 : Julia Evans

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Julia Evans : Comment on how Jacques Lacan’s texts grow or shrink over time! : 11th March 2022

Publication details, notes & references here Download here Other texts by Julia Evans


Michel Fain & Pierre Marty : Importance du rôle de la motricité : 13th November 1954 (Paris)

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Juliette Favez-Boutonier : La psychanalyse et les problèmes de l’enfance : October 1956

Publication details, notes & references here Download in French here

Jean Favreau & René Diatkine : Le caractère névrotique : 12th November 1954 (Paris)

Publication details, notes & references /5 Other Authors A-Z (Diatkiine or Favreau). Download in French here

Jean Alphonse Favreau, Patrick Luquet et Catherine Luquet-Parat [J. Luquet-Parat], Serge Lebovici, René Diatkine : La Psychanalyse des Enfants : 1955

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Nelson Feldman : Encounter with the Coronavirus : we, analysts, are mortal : 10th May 2020

Publication details, references & notes here Download here, or here, or with Julia Evans’ notes here

Siegfried Bernfeld & Sergei Feitelberg : The Principle of Entropy and the Death Instinct (Der Entropiesatz und der Todestrieb) : 1931

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Otto Fenichel : The Psychology of Transvestism : 31st July 1929 (Oxford)

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Otto Fenichel : The Symbolic Equation – Girl = Phallus : 1936

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Henry Alden Bunker, here

Sándor Ferenczi : Introjektion und Übertragung [Introjection and transference] : 1909

Publication details, translators, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Ferenczi) Download, translated by Ernest Jones, here

Bruno de Florence : French context of Autism in relation to Leo Kanner’s 1943 medical formulation of Autism : 30th June 2012 (London)

Publication details, translators, references & notes /b) Autism (1 A Lacanian Clinic – C Cartel or group work ) Download here

Anna Freud : The Relation of Beating-Phantasies to a Day-Dream (31st May 1922 Vienna)

Publication details, notes & references /5. Authors A-Z (Freud Anna) or Download here or bilingual at /Homepage (Anna Freud’s Beating Fantasies & Daydreams)

Anna Freud : Chapter 4 – The Mechanism of Defence : 1936

Publication details, notes & references here Download here Other texts by Anna Freud here

Muriel Gardiner (Editor) : The Wolf Man and Sigmund Freud [Texts by the Wolf-Man, Anna Freud, Sigmund Freud & Ruth Mack Brunswick] : 1973

Publication details & index here Notes by Muriel Gardiner & Anna Freud here Chapter 1 of Recollections from my Childhood by the Wolfman here My recollections of Sigmund Freud by the Wolf-Man here The case of the Wolf-Man by Sigmund Freud here & here A Supplement to Freud’sFrom the History of an Infantile Neurosis by Ruth Mack Brunswick here The Wolf-Man in Later Life by Muriel Gardiner & Index here


Jane Gallop : Keys to Dora : 1982

Publication details, notes & references here Texts on Dora here Download here

Muriel Gardiner (Editor) : The Wolf Man and Sigmund Freud [Texts by the Wolf-Man, Anna Freud, Sigmund Freud & Ruth Mack Brunswick] : 1973

Publication details & index here Notes by Muriel Gardiner & Anna Freud here Chapter 1 of Recollections from my Childhood by the Wolfman here My recollections of Sigmund Freud by the Wolf-Man here The case of the Wolf-Man by Sigmund Freud here & here A Supplement to Freud’s ‘From the History of an Infantile Neurosis’ by Ruth Mack Brunswick here The Wolf-Man in Later Life by Muriel Gardiner & Index here Complete book, /home page (Muriel Gardiner: The Wolfman)

Jean-Louis Gault : The ‘TRUTH” of Kant’s moral law – ‘Kant with Sade’, Fantasy and the Limits of Enjoyment : 1st October 2003 (London)

Publication details, references & notes Download here Further texts by Jean-Louis Gault or /authors a-z

Jean-Louis Gault : The Option of Anxiety : October 2004

Published in the International Lacanian Review : October 2004 : Download here Further texts on Seminar X here or here, by Jean-Louis Gault here

Jean-Louis Gault : Interpretation beyond the Pleasure Principle : 4th October 2008 (Ghent)

Towards the VII NLS (New Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis) Congress – Communique No. 4 : Published by NLS Messager on 28th February 2009 : Download, translated by Julia Richards, here Further texts by Jean-Louis Gault here

Yaron Gilat : An Encounter with a Statue (LRO 186) : 26th October 2019

Publication details, notes & references Download here or with Julia Evans’ notes here Further texts by Yaron Gilat

Yaron Gilat : Walls and Holes in Psychiatric Institutes – Some One to Talk to (LRO 201) : 8th January 2020

Circulated by New Lacanian School’s Messager, Subject: [nls-messager] 3309.en/ Psychiatry: Some One to Talk to, on 8th January 2020 at 16:11:34 GMT Published by Lacanian Review Online : see here, Notes here. Further texts by Yaron Gilat

Yaron Gilat : Practice Among Many – A Dam for Jouissance (LRO 288) : 20th March 2021

This text was a part of a presentation held in Hebrew on March 20th 2021, within the GIEP-NLS under the name, “A Conversation Between Institutions – Practice Among Many.” Circulated by New Lacanian School’s Messager, Subject: [nls-messager] 3768.en/ LRO 288: Practice Among Many – A Dam for Jouissance, on 17th April 2021 at 15:15:31 BST. Published by Lacanian Review Online : see here. Notes here. Further texts by Yaron Gilat

Yaron Gilat : Roman Vishniac’s Symptom: A Fish Outside Meaning (LRO 317) : 3rd November 2021

Circulated on New Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis / Messager as From: NLS-Messager Subject: [nls-messager] 4023.en/ LRO 317: “Roman Vishniac’s Symptom: A Fish Outside Meaning” Date: 3 November 2021 at 13:38:46 GMT. Published by Lacanian Review Online : see here Further texts by Yaron Gilat

Yaron Gilat : Third Reich, Science and Psychoanalysis (LRO 327) : 2nd February 2022

Publication details, notes & references here Download & notes here Other texts by Yaron Gilat at /authors by date (from 2019 to date) or

William Gillespie : A Contribution to the Study of Fetishism : 7th February 1940

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

René Girard : Tiresias and the Critic : 18th October 1966 (Baltimore, USA)

Publication details, translators, references & notes Download here

René Girard, Jean Hyppolite, & Richard Macksey : Concluding Remarks : 21st October 1966 (Baltimore, USA)

Publication details, notes & the text at /5 Other Authors A-Z (Macksey, Girard & Hyppolite)

Edward Glover : Grades of Ego-Differentiation : 27th July 1929 (Oxford) [1930]

Publication details, translators, references & notes here Download here

Edward Glover : The therapeutic effect of inexact interpretation – a contribution to the theory of suggestion : October 1931

Publication details, translators, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Glover) Download here & here

Edward Glover : On the Etiology of Drug-addiction : July 1932 (London)

Publication details, translators, references & notes here Download here

Edward Glover : The relation of perversion-formation to the development of reality-sense : 7th September 1932 (Wiesbaden) [1933]

Publication details, translators, references & notes Download here

Edward Glover : Sublimation, substitution and social anxiety : July 1931

Publication details, references & notes here Download, Part I here Part II here Related texts by Edward Glover & /authors a-z (Glover). Cited in Seminar VI & Seminar VII

Edward Glover : The therapeutic effect of inexact interpretation : a contribution to the theory of suggestion : October 1931

Publication details, translators, references & notes here Download here & here

Edward Glover : Some recent trends in psychoanalytic theory : 1961

Publication details, translators, references & notes here Download here

Edward Glover : Freudian or Neofreudian? : 1964

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Lucien Goldman : Structure: Human Reality and Methodological Concept : 18th October 1966 (Baltimore, USA) with Comments by Jacques Lacan

Publication details, translators, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Goldman) Download, with Jacques Lacan’s comments here. Bilingual of, p41–44 – Macksey & Donato, Lacan’s intervention into the discussion at p4 of /Lacan (92. Lacan’s 2 interventions and presentation (Of Structure as an Inmixing of an Otherness Prerequisite to Any Subject Whatever) at the October 1966, The Language of Criticism and the Sciences of Man Conference in Baltimore)

Gustav Hans Graber : Die zweierlei Mechanismen der Identifizierung : 26th April 1936 (Basel, Switzerland)

Publication details, notes & references here Download in German here

Jacques Lacan and Wladimir Granoff : Fetishism: The Symbolic, the Imaginary and the Real : 1956

Publication details, translators, references & notes here Download here

Phyllis Greenacre : Pregenital Patterning : 1952

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Phyllis Greenacre : Certain Relationships Between Fetishism and Faulty Development of the Body Image : 1953

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Phyllis Greenacre : Re-Evaluation of the Process of Working Through : 5th May 1956

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Russell Grigg : From the mechanism of psychosis to the universal condition of the symptom – on foreclosure

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Russell Grigg, Dominique Hecq & Craig Smith : Introduction to Female Sexuality – The early psychoanalytic controversies : 1999

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Russell Grigg : Enjoy-meant of language and jouissance of the letter : 15th December 2001 (London)

Publication details, notes & references /5 Other Authors A-Z (Grigg) Download here

Justin Clemens & Russell Grigg : Introduction (p1-7) to Jacques Lacan & the other side of psychoanalysis, (reflections on Seminar XVII) : 2006

Published Duke University : Download here

Russell Grigg : Beyond the Oedipus Complex : 2006

Published Ch 3, p50-68 of ‘Jacques Lacan & the Other Side of Psychoanalysis (Reflections on Seminar XVII)’, Eds Justin Clemens & Russell Grigg, Duke University Press, 2006. : Download here

Russell Grigg : Signifiers in the Real – from Schreber to the Wolf Man : 2nd June 2019 (Tel Aviv)

Publication details, notes & references /5 Other Authors A-Z (Grigg) Download here

Martin Grotjahn : The Primal Crime and the Unconscious : 1949

Publication details, references & notes here Download here


Heinz Hartmann (IPA Meeting Chair) : 30th July 1953 (Amsterdam) : Minutes of the meeting of the International Psychoanalytical Association

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Russell Grigg, Dominique Hecq & Craig Smith : Introduction to Female Sexuality – The early psychoanalytic controversies : 1999

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Owen Hewitson : Further comment on Seminar VII 3rd February 1960 (p129) quoting Seminar VII 27th January 1960 – p121(vases) : 7th September 2013

See /5 Other Authors A-Z (Hewitson)

Dominique Holvoet : 11th September 2013 : What Cannot Be Said – Desire, Fantasy, Real

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Florencia F.C. Shanahan and Philip Dravers, here

Dominique Holvoet : Wanting a child? Desire for Family & Clinic of Filiations : 12th September 2020

The argument for Pipol 10 ( Zoom conference 3rd & 4th July 2021, Circulated from: EuroFédération de Psychanalyse (, Subject: PIPOL 10 – The Argument, on 12 September 2020 at 08:03:24 BST, transmitted on New Lacanian School’s Messager as Subject: [nls-messager] 3526.en/ PIPOL 10 – Argument, Translation by Raphael Montague, Download here Related : Interview with Dominique Holvoet, Director of PIPOL 10 Congress (with English subtitles) at 22nd April 2021 Further texts by Dominique Holvoet at or /authors a-z

Karen Horney : On the Genesis of the Castration Complex in Women : September 1922 (Berlin)

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Karen Horney : The Flight from Womanhood : The Masculinity-Complex in Women, as Viewed by Men and by Women : 1926

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Greg Hynds : Reading the Recommendations : 1st April 2017 (London, Open clinical Meeting)

See /5 Other Authors A-Z (Hynds) or

Greg Hynds : A cartel on trauma : 16th July 2019 (London)

Publication details, references & notes here Download here, or as published in NLS Cartels’ Newsletter, 4+1, here. Other texts by Greg Hynds here, on trauma here, of cartels here

Karen Horney : The Dread of Women: Observations on a Specific Difference in the Dread felt by Men and Women Respectively for the Opposite Sex : 1932

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Mme Hubert : Intervention, during Seminar VII, on Hans Sperber’s “On the Influence of Sexual Factors on the Origin and Development of Language” (as commented on by Ernest Jones) and sublimation : 9th March 1960

Publication details, notes & references here Information about Seminar VII here, from a Reading Seminar VII Group here, Download, in French only, here

Dugmore Hunter : Object-Relation Changes in the Analysis of a Fetishist : 1954

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Richard Hunter & Ida MacAlpine : Translator’s introduction & analysis of D. P. Schreber’s case : 1955

Available, with publication details, at Download at /Homepage (Schreber’s MEMOIRS OF MY NERVOUS ILLNESS with Lacan’s intro to the French translation. Part 1)

Jean Hyppolite : Presentation on Sigmund Freud’s Verneinung : 10th February 1954 (Paris)

Publication details, notes & references Download, as first presented during Seminar I, translated by John Forrester, here. As revised and published in Écrits, 1966, translated by Bruce Fink, here

Jean Hyppolite : The Structure of Philosophic Language According to the “Preface” to Hegel’s ‘Phenomenology of the Mind’ & Discussion : 20th October 1966 (Baltimore, USA).

Publication details, notes & references /5 Other Authors A-Z (Hyppolite) or /4 Jacques Lacan (October 1966). Download here

Jean Hyppolite, Richard Macksey, & René Girard : Concluding Remarks : 21st October 1966 (Baltimore, USA)

Publication details, notes & the text at /5 Other Authors A-Z (Macksey, Girard & Hyppolite)


Otto Isakower : On the Exceptional Position of the Auditory Sphere : probably October 1939

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Hans Israëls : Introduction to the New Schreber Texts : 1977

Related texts here or here Information here Download /Homepage (Schreber’s MEMOIRS OF MY NERVOUS ILLNESS with Lacan’s intro to the French translation. Part 4) or here


Maire Jaanus : Tolstoy and Lacan-Phallic Jouissance and the ‘passage à l’acte’ in Anna Karenina : 8th August 2008

Published p49-63 of Lacanian Compass : August 8, 2008 : Volume 1 Issue 13 – Psychoanalytic Newsletter of Lacanian Orientation : Download here Other texts from literature here

Pam Jesperson : Report on the VIth Congress of the New Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis “The Body and its Objects in the Psychoanalytic Clinic” – 15th & 16th March 2008 (Ghent, Belgium)

Published p43-44 of Lacanian Compass : August 8, 2008 : Volume 1 Issue 13 – Psychoanalytic Newsletter of Lacanian Orientation : Download here. Éric Laurent’s intervention on 16th March 2008, here

Ernest Jones : Pathology of the Nightmare (On the Nightmare) : January 1910

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Ernest Jones : The Action of Suggestion in Psychotherapy : 2nd May 1910 (USA)

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Jones). Download here

Ernest Jones : The Theory of Symbolism : 29th January 1916

Publication details, notes & references Download here Further texts by Ernest Jones

Ernest Jones : The Early Development of Female Sexuality [aphanisis] : 1st September 1927 (Innsbruck)

Publication details, notes & references (aphanisis) Download here Further texts by Ernest Jones

Ernest Jones : The Phallic Phase : 4th September 1932 (Wiesbaden)

Publication details, notes & references here Download here Further texts by Ernest Jones & /authors a-z /Jones

Ernest Jones : Early Female Sexuality : 24th April 1935 (Vienna)

Publication details, notes & references here Download here Further texts by Ernest Jones & /authors a-z /Jones


Leo Kanner : Autistic disturbances of affective contact : 1943

Publication details, notes & references /1 A Lacanian Clinic/C Cartels/b) Autism. Download here

Maurits Katan : Hallucinations about the ‘Little Men’ : August 1949 (Zürich)

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Maurits Katan : Structural aspects of a case of Schizophrenia : 1950

Publication details, notes & references /5 Other Authors A-Z (Katan) Download here

Maurits Katan : Further Remarks about Schreber’s Hallucinations : July 1951 (Amsterdam)

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Maurits Katan : Schreber’s Prepsychotic Phase : 1st July 1953

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Pierre Kaufmann : Intervention on Siegfried Bernfeld’s ‘Observations on Sublimation’ given during Jacques Lacan’s Seminar VII on 2nd March 1960

Publication details, notes & references here Information about Seminar VII here, Texts by Pierre Kaufmann here, from a Reading Seminar VII Group here, Download, in French only, here

Pierre Kaufmann : Commentary on Siegfried Bernfeld’s & Sergei Feitelberg’s Death Drive, Seminar VII : 27th April 1960

Publication details, notes & references here Information about Seminar VII here, Texts by Pierre Kaufmann here, from a Reading Seminar VII Group here, Download, in French only, here

Bice Benvenuto & Roger Kennedy : The works of Jacques Lacan: an introduction

Publication details, references & notes Download i) Introduction, p0 to 27, here ii) Chapter 1: First Works: 1926-1933 (Aimée) : p31 – 46, here, iii) Chapter 2 The Mirror Stage (1936): p47 to 62 here

Søren Kierkegaard : The Concept of Dread (Anxiety) : 1844

Publication details, citations & notes Available on internet

Gözde Kilic : Coronavirus as Metaphor : 6th April 2020

Publication details, references & notes here Download here, or with Julia Evans’ notes here

Melanie Klein : Infant Analysis : 1923

Publication details, references & notes /by date (January 1923) or /5 Other Authors A-Z (Klein). Download here

Melanie Klein : Early Stages of the Œdipus conflict : 3rd September 1927 (Innsbruck)

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Melanie Klein : Infantile Anxiety-Situations Reflected in a Work of Art and in the Creative Impulse : 1929

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Melanie Klein : The importance of symbol-formation in the development of the ego : July 1929 (Oxford)

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Richard G. Klein : Introduction to ‘A bi-lingual edition of Schreber’s Memoirs of my mental illness/ Denkwürdigkeiten eines Nervenkranken’ : August 2005

Publication details, references & notes here Download, p2-5 of /homepage (Schreber’s MEMOIRS OF MY NERVOUS ILLNESS with Lacan’s intro to the French translation. Part 1) or here

Christian Kohner-Kahler : Disturbing Fire (LRO 316) : 27th October 2021

Circulated by New Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis – Messager From: NLS-Messager Subject: [nls-messager] 4015.en/ LRO 316: “Disturbing Fire” Date: 27 October 2021 at 16:42:51 BST. Published by The Lacanian Reviews Online here

Emil Kraepelin : Dementia Praecox : 1896

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Ernst Kris : Ego psychology and interpretation in psychoanalytic therapies (Case ‘fresh brains’) : December 1948 (New York)

Publication details, notes & references & here Download here

Ernst Kris : Introduction to ‘The Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess 1887-1904’ : 1950

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Julia Kristeva : A father is beaten to death : 30th April 2006 (Columbia University, New York, USA)

Text presented at a 2-day international symposium, Low Library Rotunda, Columbia University, NY- Published p175-187 of ‘The Dead Father, A Psychoanalytic Enquiry’, Edited by Lila J. Kalinidi & Stuart W. Taylor, Routledge 2008 : Download here, in French here, Related Texts Éric Laurent (April 2006) & Maria-Crìstina Aguirre (2008)

Liliana Kruszel : LRO 285 – Reading of Thomas Svolos’ ‘The Aims of Analysis’ : 25th October 2019 (Miami, Florida) & 21st March 2021 (Virtual) : Introduction by Liliana Kruszel

This is Liliana Kruszel’s reading of Thomas Svolos’ book. Based on The Aims of Analysis: Miami Seminar on the Late Lacan (25th October 2019, Miami), a book by Thomas Svolos published by Midden Press (2020) & a conversation between Thomas Svolos & Liliana Kruszel organized virtually by Midden Press on March 21st, 2021. Published by Lacanian Review Online, LRO 285, on 7th April 2021: Download here or here Other texts by Thomas Svolos here


Catherine Lacaze-Paule : The cartel and the real : 14th March 2014

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Catherine Lacaze-Paule : The Real Presence and Slipperiness of the Body (LRO 248) : 11th October 2020

Publication details, references & notes here Download here or here or with notes on the references here

Jeanne Lafont : The Ordinary Topology of Jacques Lacan : 1986

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Jack W. Stone, Index here, Chapter 1: Space, Structure : here, Chapter 2: The Moebius Strip : here, Chapter 3: The Torus : here, Chapter 4: The Cross-Cap : here, Chapter 5: From the Specular to the Non-Specular : here, Chapter 6: From Surfaces to Knots : here Chapter 7: The Borromean Knot : here

Daniel Lagache : Some aspects of transference : 4th April 1951 (London?)

Publication details, English translation, references & notes Download here

Jacques Lacan with Victor Nikolaevitch Smirnoff (Smirnov), Xavier Audouard, Jean Laplanche, & Unknown : 3rd February 1960 : Discussion during Seminar VII

Publication details, notes & references /Authors A-Z (Laplanche) Download, in French only, here

Dominique Laurent : Teachings of the pass – Paradoxical Effects in the Pass : 25th June 2002 (Paris)

Towards the World Association of Psychoanalysis Congress III, in Brussels, -2002 – The effects of formation in psychoanalysis: its places, its causes, its paradoxes « Les effets de formation en psychanalyse : ses lieux, ses causes, ses paradoxes ». Originally published in La Cause Freudienne, No 52, Paris, 2002. Translated by Victoria Woollard & Marc Thomas, as “Paradoxical Effects in the Pass”, PN10, 2003. Translated by Liliana M. Singer, Edited by Susana Tillet, Published by UQBAR-Translation, downloaded from internet on 30th January 2006 at 11:40, Download here

Dominique Laurent : The demand for symptomatic desegregation : November 2005

The probable original French text has not been traced, to date. Published in English translation in Lacanian Praxis, International Quarterly of Applied Psychoanalysis, no. 2, November 2005 (Available at /texts by request – contact for password), then p63-70 of Psychoanalytical Notebooks – Brief Encounters, Issue 31, 2016, Download, translated by Julia Richards, here

Dominique Laurent : The Name-of-the-Father and the “Direction of the Cure” : 13th July 2006 (Rome)

From the Vith World Association of Psychoanalysis’ Conference: ‘Scilicet of the Name of the Father’: Rome: 13th – 16th July, 2006. Published by Download, translated by Thelma Sowley, here

Dominique Laurent : TECHNO-MATERNITIES – The unlimitedness of the desire for a child : 30th October 2014

Towards Pipol 10 ( & – Desire for a child? Wanting a family and clinic of filiations : Virtual conference – 2nd & 3rd July 2021, Circulated from: Pipol 10, Subject: [Courrier]Ombilic 10 ?? ?? ?? ??, le 2 avril 2021 Date: 2 April 2021 at 06:31:08 BST : Published in French in Être mère. Des femmes psychanalystes parlent de la maternité, sous la direction de Christiane Alberti, Navarin/Le Champ freudien. Avec les contributions d’Agnès Aflalo, Francesca Biagi-Chai, Marie-Hélène Brousse, Carole Dewambrechies-La Sagna, Dominique Laurent, Anaëlle Lebovits-Quenehen, Esthela Solano-Suárez et Rose-Paule Vinciguerra. October 2014 : translated by Francisco Gomez and Marcel Pereira : Download here

Dominique Laurent : The New Norms and the Ordinary of Psychosis : September 2017

Published towards the WAP Congress, Barcelona 2018- The Ordinary Psychoses and the Others, Under Transference-Disorders, Symptoms & Discreet Signs, p6-8 of WAP PAPERS 7.7.7.N°2-ENGLISH, Circulated From: NLS-Messager, Subject: [nls-messager] 2468.en/ PAPERS 7.7.7. No. 2 – English Version, Date: 12 September 2017 at 21:30:54 BST. Download, translated by Despina Andropoulou, p6-8 of here Further texts on Ordinary Psychosis here

Dominique Laurent : Sexuation and Feminine Desire : 6th September 2021

Towards the WAP’s Grand International Online Conversation, April 2022 : Circulated by Uqbar Wapol, Subject: [AMP-UQBAR] ? AMP 2022 – La quinzaine des arguments – Désir de femme, Date: 6 September 2021 at 13:59:40 BST : Translated by Pamela King : Available Download here

Dominique Laurent : The Push-to-THE-Woman : 3rd April 2022 (Paris)

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Ruth Lebovici : Transitory Sexual Perversion in the Course of a Psychoanalytic Treatment : July 1955 (Geneva)

Publication details, notes & references Download, in French here, translated by Dany Nobus here

Serge Lebovici and Sacha Nacht : DEUXIÈME RAPPORT, Indications et contre-indications de la psychanalyse (Indications & Counterindications …) : 11th November 1954 (Paris).

Publication details, notes & references /5 Other Authors A-Z (Nacht or Lebovici). Download published La Psychanalyse d’Aujourd’hui, French, (1956) here, abbreviated in English here.

Serge Lebovici, René Diatkine, Jean Alphonse Favreau, Patrick Luquet et Catherine Luquet-Parat [J. Luquet-Parat] : La Psychanalyse des Enfants : 1956

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Serge Leclaire : Jerome, or Death in the Life of the Obsessional : 28th May 1956

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Serge Leclaire : À la recherche des principes d’une psychothérapie des psychoses (Bonneval) : 15th April 1957

Publication details, notes & references here Download, in French, here

Serge Leclaire : Philo, or the Obsessional and His Desire : 25th November 1958

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Serge Leclaire : The Dream with the Unicorn – Pôor(d)j’e-li : 1st November 1960 (Bonneval Hospital)

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

François Leguil : On the False usefulness of Anxiety and the Benefits of Working through it : October 2004

Publication details, notes & references Download, translated by Sylvia Winter and Francesca Pollock, here

François Leguil : The function of the anxiety : 13th July 2006 (Rome)

Publication details, notes & references here Download, translated by Thelma Sowley, here

Jonathan Leroy : A Society of Norms and its Criminals : 25th May 2017

Publication details, notes & references Download or here

C. S. Lewis : The Allegory of Love, Courtly Love (Ch 1) & Allegory (Ch 2) : 1936

Publication details, notes & references /5 Other Authors A-Z (Lewis). Download here

Shlomo Lieber : The Navel of the Dream, Fixation and Repetition : 2nd June 2022

Circulated by NLS-Messager, as [nls-messager] 4295.en/ TUCHÉ : Work in Progress, on 2 June 2022 at 09:21:42 BST. Towards the XXth New Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis’s Congress – Fixation & Repetition, July 2022, Lausanne – Switzerland. Translation Dan Shalit Kenig. Download at or with extensive notes on the references, here

Margaret Little : Countertransference and the Patient’s Response : 1951

Publication details, notes & references here Download here Further texts by Margaret Little or /authors a-z (Little)

Margaret Little : R : The analyst’s total response to his patient’s needs : 1957

Publication details, notes & references here Download here Further texts by Margaret Little or /authors a-z (Little)

Margaret Little : Preface : 1981

Foreword by Robert Langs, Introduction by Alfred Flarsheim, Preface by Margaret Little of Margaret I. Little, ‘Transference Neurosis and Transference Psychosis: Towards Basic Unity’, Aronson, New York & London, 1981. Download here

Rudolph Loewenstein : Some remarks on the role of speech in psycho-analytic technique : October 1956

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Ernest Dupré & Jean Logre : Confabulatory delusional states : 1911

Publication details here Notes & references here Download here

Rik Loose : A Lacanian approach to clinical diagnosis and addiction : 2002

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Rik Loose : What kind of Viator? : 3rd May 2016

Publication details, references & notes here Download here or with Julia Evans’ notes here

Rik Loose : The Realism of the Cartel : 12th December 2016

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Rik Loose : Art and Psychoanalysis, beyond (Lack-of) Being : 21st September 2019 (Dublin)

A rewritten and edited version of a paper presented at the ICLO conference ‘Art and Psychoanalysis, Possibilities and Politics’, 21st September 2019. Published p223-227 of The Lacanian Review, Issue 09-Still Life?, Spring 2020 : Download here Further texts by Rik Loose here

Rik Loose : A practice without value : April? 2020

Towards the cancelled NLS Congress in Ghent, May 2020, see here Download here Further texts by Rik Loose here

Rik Loose : The Politics of a Symptomotology : Paranoia and Addiction : Fall 2020

Published The Lacanian Review , Issue 10 – Paranoia, p178-184, October 2020, Download here Further texts by Rik Loose here

Rik Loose : Joyce the Letter and the Feminine Principle (LRO 315) : 20th October 2021

Circulated by New Lacanian School Messager, as [nls-messager] 4011.en/ LRO 315: “Joyce the Letter and the Feminine Principle”. Download published by The Lacanian Reviews Online, here. Notes on references here Further texts by Rik Loose here or /authors a-z (L)

Alexander Sándor Lorand : Fetishism in Statu Nascendi : July 1929 (Oxford)

Publication details, notes & references Download /Lacan (36. Fetishism in Statu Nascendi) or here

Barbara Low : The Psychological Compensations of the Analyst : 1935

Published in International Journal of Psychoanalysis (IJPA) Vol XVI January 1935 (Part 1), Download here See /authors a-z (Low) or authors by date (1935) Texts by Barbara Low Examined by Jacques Lacan in Seminar X : 30th January 1963 & probably the missing session 6th February 1963 : See

Henrik Lynggaard : The logic that haste determines : 17th July 2019 (London)

Publication details, notes & references here Download here or in 4+one – The NLS Cartels’ Newsletter – No. 13 at Other texts by Henrik Lynggaard here, on trauma here, of cartels here


Ida MacAlpine : The Development of the Transference : October 1950

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Ida MacAlpine & Richard Hunter : Translator’s introduction & analysis of D. P. Schreber’s case : 1955

Available, with publication details, at Download at /Homepage (Schreber’s MEMOIRS OF MY NERVOUS ILLNESS with Lacan’s intro to the French translation. Part 1)

W. Leslie MacKenzie : Introduction to Sigmund Freud’s ‘On Dreams (1901)’ : 1914

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Richard Macksey, Jean Hyppolite & René Girard : Concluding Remarks : 21st October 1966 (Baltimore, USA)

Publication details, notes & the text at /5 Other Authors A-Z (Macksey, Girard & Hyppolite)

‘The Languages of Criticism and the Sciences of Man – the Structuralist Controversy’ : 1970 : edited by Richard Macksey and Eugenio Donato

The Johns Hopkins Press Baltimore and London. Publication details, references & notes, Download /Texts by request

Jean-Claude Maleval : Why is the Ideology of Evaluation Pernicious? : 14th April 2010

Publication details, references & notes & the text here Download here

Jean-Claude Maleval : The Psychoanalytic Approach Oriented by the Autistic Rim : Presented on 6th February 2021

The ACF in Midi-Pyrénées continues on Saturday February 6, 2021, as part of its Exchange Seminar, the cycle of conferences of Jean-Claude Maleval, with a videoconference on the question of “The Psychoanalytic Approach Oriented by the Autistic Rim” . J.-C. Maleval is a psychoanalyst, member of the ECF and the WAP, professor of clinical psychology at the University of Rennes 2. The debate will be moderated by Jean-François Cottes, psychoanalyst member of the ECF and of the WAP, Director of CERA, and members of the cartel of the Exchange Seminar, Cécile Favreau (ECF, Director ACF-MP), Eduardo Scarone (ECF), André Soueix (ECF), Vanessa Sudreau (ECF), Florence Nègre (ACF-MP).: Download here Further texts by Jean-Claude Maleval here On autism here

Jean Mallet : Troisième Rapport – Contribution à l’étude des phobies : probably September 1955 (Paris)

Publication details, notes & references Download, French only, here

Pierre Marty & Michel Fain : Importance du rôle de la motricité : 13th November 1954 (Paris)

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Jules Masserman : Language, Behaviour and Dynamic Psychiatry : 24th March 1944 (Chicago)

Publication details, references & notes here Download here Related text ‘Function & Field’ : 26th September 1953 – see here

Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson : Preface, Note on Method & Introduction to ‘The complete letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904’ : 1985

Publication details, notes & references here Download p1-8 here, p8-15 here

Jean-Daniel Matet : Summoned! : 17th April 2020

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Philip Dravers, here or here or with Julia Evans’ notes here

Alain de Mijolla : Le Congrès des Psychanalystes des pays romans: quelques éléments d’histoire : 1991

Publication details, notes & references Download, in French only, here

Jacques-Alain Miller : Classified index of the major concepts, Commentary on the graphs (p326-335) : 1966

Publication details, notes & references, Download, Translator’s Note & Bibliographical Note, here, Download, Classified index of the major concepts : 1966 : Jacques-Alain Miller, p326 – 331, & Commentary on the graphs : 1966 : Jacques-Alain Miller, p332 – 335, & German terms used by Sigmund Freud, translated by Alan Sheridan, here

Jacques-Alain Miller : Teachings of the Case Presentation : July 1977

Publication details, notes & references Download, translated by Stuart Schneiderman, here

Jacques-Alain Miller: Extimité or Extimacy : February 1986 (Spain?)

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Françoise Massardier-Kenney, here

Jacques-Alain Miller : The Sinthome, a Mixture of Symptom and Fantasy (Paris) : 11th March 1987

Transcript of 13th session of ‘Ce qui fait insigne l’orientation lacanienne, 1986-1987, course’ delivered within the framework of the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Paris VIII. Text established by Catherine Bonningue, from the transcription and recording of Fabienne Henry, Michel Jolibois and Bernard Cremniter.

In French

Published in La cause freudienne No 39 1998, and at p151 of

In English

Translated Philip Dravers & Veronique Voruz, published Psychoanalytical Notebooks Issue 5-Fantasy and Castration 2001 & p55-72 of The Later Lacan-An Introduction, edited by Véronique Voruz & Bogdan Wolf, State University of New York, 2007

Available here

Jacques-Alain Miller : Microscopia : An Introduction to the Reading of Television (August 1987)

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Bruce Fink, here

Jacques-Alain Miller : Interpretation in Reverse : 1996

Publication details, references & notes Download, probably translated by Russell Grigg, here or translated by Véronique Voruz and Bogdan Wolf at

Jacques-Alain Miller : The seminar of Barcelona on Die Wege der Symptombildung
 : probably Autumn 1996

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Roseane Barros, Part I here Part II here

Jacques-Alain Miller : Paradigms of Jouissance : 24th, 31st March & 7th April 1999 (Paris VIII)

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Jacques-Alain Miller : Lacanian Biology and the Event of the Body : 12th & 19th May 1999 (Paris VIII)

Publication details, references, quotes & notes Download here

Jacques-Alain Miller : The Turin Theory of the subject of the School : 21st May 2000 (Turin)

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Heather Menzies & Vincent Dachy, here

Jacques-Alain Miller : “The Unconscious is Political”, Milanese Intuitions 1 & 2 : 15th & 22nd May 2002 (Paris VIII)

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Thelma Sowley, here 15th May 2002, translated by Thelma Sowley, published Mental Online 11, here, 22nd May 2002, translated by Thelma Sowley, published Mental Online 12, here

Jacques-Alain Miller : On Shame : 5th June 2002 (Paris)

First published in La cause freudienne, no. 54 (2003), 9-19. Lecture from Jacques- Alain Miller’s course The Lacanian Orientation III, June 5, 2002. Published p11-29 of ‘Jacques Lacan & the Other Side of Psychoanalysis ( Reflections on Seminar XVII), Duke University, 2006. : Download, edited by Catherine Bonningue. translated by Russell Grigg, here

Jacques-Alain Miller : Introduction to the Reading of Jacques Lacan’s Seminar X (L’Angoisse), I & II : April, May & June 2004

Publication details, references & notes here Linked text, Seminar X, here Other texts on Seminar X here Download, excerpts from Part I, translated by Fred Baitinger & Roger Litten here and here, Part II, translated by Barbara P. Faulks, here

Jacques-Alain Miller : A Fantasy : August 2004 (Comandatuba-Bahia, Brazil)

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Thelma Sowley, here

Jacques-Alain Miller : Anxiety Constituent and Constituted (probably Paris) : November 2005

Publication details, references & notes here Download, an extract translated by Kieran O’Meara here

Jacques-Alain Miller : Objects a in the analytic experience : 15th July 2006 (Rome)

Publication details, notes & references here Download, translated by Thomas Svolos, here

Jacques-Alain Miller : The Interpretation of Psychoanalysis – Course of 19th March 2008 (Paris)

JAM returns in this course to his intuition of the preceding course, about liquid speech, in order then to pose questions on the discourse of the analyst as teacher and his responsibility. So, “the discourse of the analyst who teaches has the function of interpreting psychoanalysis itself”. Psychoanalysis can be interpreted because it is a question of fact. JAM broaches the two moments of the psychoanalytic experience formalized by Lacan: that of the beginning and that of the end. He attributes to the pass, the value of the major interpretation Lacan gave to psychoanalysis, We can read, at the very end of this Course, remarks on the narration of the pass that “Lacan gave us a glimpse of without specifying its coordinates”, and whose most salient feature is allusion. A narrative that “translates the bypassing of what, depending on the sense, appears as a void”. (From Ten Line News, n. 386) : Published p4-13 of Lacanian Compass : August 8, 2008 : Volume 1 Issue 13 – Psychoanalytic Newsletter of Lacanian Orientation : Translated by Thelma Sowley : Download here

Jacques-Alain Miller : Ordinary Psychosis Revisited : 7th July 2008 (Paris)

Text presented at the Paris English Seminar on 7th July 2008 : Further texts on Ordinary Psychosis here : Published Psychoanalytical Notebooks, Volume 19, 2009, p139-168 : Translated by Adrian Price : Download here

Jacques-Alain Miller : The Unconscious & the Sinthome : 17th December 2008 (Paris VIII)

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Jacques-Alain Miller : The real in the XXIst century : 27th April 2012

Publication details, references & notes here Download translated by Roger Litton, here Texts on ‘The Symbolic Order in the XXIst Century’ here

Jacques-Alain Miller : The Other without Other : 19th May 2013 (Athens)

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Philip Dravers, here

Jacques-Alain Miller : 26th May 2013 : Presentation of Jacques Lacan’s Seminar VI (2nd part) Paris

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Adrian Price, here

Jacques-Alain Miller : The Unconscious and the Speaking Body (Paris) : 17th April 2014

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Jacques-Alain Miller : Habeus Corpus : 28th April 2016 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Adrian Price with Julia Evans’ notes, here

Catherine Millot : Logic and Love : 2019

Publication details, references & notes at /5 Other Authors A-Z (Millot). Download, translated by Bogdan Wolf, here

Eugene Minkowski : The essential disorder underlying schizophrenia and schizophrenic thought : 1927

Publication details here Notes & references here Download here

Juliet Mitchell and Jacqueline Rose (Author & Editor) : ‘Jacques Lacan & the École Freudienne: Feminine Sexuality’ : 1982

Publication details, references & notes Download, ‘Content’ & ‘Editors’ Preface’ & List of Abbreviations here | Translator’s (Jacqueline Rose) Note here | Bibliography here | Background Reading : Russell Grigg, Dominique Hecq & Craig Smith : Introduction to Female Sexuality – The early psychoanalytic controversies : Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Juliet Mitchell : Introduction I to ‘Jacques Lacan & the École Freudienne – Feminine Sexuality’: 1982

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Mitchell) Download here

Jean-Luc Monnier : Shame, an old-fashioned affect? : November 2009 (Paris)

Publication details, translators, references & notes Download here

Patrick Monribot : The Work of the Symptom : 2001

Published La Cause freudienne No 49, Paris 2001, In English Psychoanalytical Notebooks No 10 – Formation of the Analyst, 2003, p155-166. Download, translated by Howard Britton, here

Patrick Monribot : Lacanian Interpretation : 21st January 2009 (Ghent)

Text delivered to the ‘Kring of the New Lacanian School’, in Ghent, towards the VIIth NLS Congress – Lacanian Interpretation, May 2009, Paris. Circulated by [nls-messager] as VII Congress NLS – Communique No 8 on 19th April 2009. English translation from p18. Download, translated by Adrian Price, here

Patrick Monribot : “There is no sexual relation” What does it mean? Clinical Consequences of Lacan’s Formulae of Sexuation : 28th September 2013 (Dublin)

Publication details, translators, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Monribot). Download translated by Florencia F. C. Shanahan here

Charles Morazé : Literary Invention :18th October 1966 (Baltimore, USA) & Discussion by Jacques Lacan

Publication details, translators, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Morazé). Download here Bilingual of, p41–44 – Macksey & Donato, Lacan’s intervention into the discussion, see p4 of /Lacan (92. Lacan’s 2 interventions and presentation (Of Structure as an Inmixing of an Otherness Prerequisite to Any Subject Whatever) at the October 1966, The Language of Criticism and the Sciences of Man Conference in Baltimore)

John P. Muller and William J. Richardson : A Reader’s Guide to Écrits : 1982

Publication details, notes & references Download, Acknowledgements & Introduction – Lacan & Language here | Afterword p415 & References p420 & Name index p429 & Index to works of Freud p432 & Subject index p433, Download here

John P. Muller and William J. Richardson (Editors & Authors) : The Purloined Poe : Lacan, Derrida and Psychoanalytic Reading : 1988

Publication details, translators, references & notes, Download, Preface here, The Purloined Letter: Overview, Information, Download here, The Purloined Letter: Map of the Text. Information here, Download here, The Purloined Letter : Notes to the Text, Information, Download here & see Edgar Allen Poe : 1844 & Jacques Lacan : April 1955

Charles S. Myers : A contribution to the study of shell shock, Being an account of three cases of loss of memory, vision, smell, and taste, Admitted into the Duchess of Westminster War Hospital, Le Touquet : 15th February 1915

Publication details, references & notes here Download here


Sacha Nacht and Serge Lebovici : DEUXIÈME RAPPORT, Indications et contre-indications de la psychanalyse (Indications & Counterindications …) : 11th November 1954 (Paris)

Publication details, notes & references /5 Other Authors A-Z (Nacht or Lebovici). Download published La Psychanalyse d’Aujourd’hui, French, (1956) here, abbreviated in English here.

Sacha Nacht : La thérapeutique psychanalytique (Psychoanalytic Therapy) : 1956

Publication details, notes & references Download in French here translated & abbreviated by Ruth Emma Roman, here

Sacha Nacht : The Curative Factors in Psycho-Analysis : July-August 1961 (Edinburgh)

Publication details, translators, references & notes here Download here Further texts by Sacha Nacht at or / authors a-z (Nacht)

Pierre Naveau : The Clinic of Detail and Hysteria : 7th February 2002 (Paris)

Original French text established by Zoé Verhame-Bouillin and Marie-Hélène Doguet-Dziomba from P. Naveau’s intervention at the E.C.F. (École de la cause freudienne) on 7th February 2002. : Published Mental ONLINE (International Journal of Mental Health and Applied Psychoanalysis), Vol 11 : December 2002 : Analysis in the Age of Globalization : Translated by Victoria Woollard and Marc Thomas : Download here : Other texts by Pierre Naveau here

Pierre Naveau : Fantasy and the Limits of Enjoyment – ‘The Mother-Daughter Relationship’, Thread and Needle : 6th January 2004

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Naveau) Download here

William G. Niederland : Three Notes on the Schreber Case : 14th March 1950 (New York)

Publication details, references & notes here Download here Texts related to the case of President Schreber


Shin’ya Ogasawara : The Instance (Agency) of the Letter in the Japanese Unconscious : January 1996

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Ogasawara). Download, translated by Jack W. Stone, here


Francis Pasche & Michel Renard : The Reality of the Object and Economic Point of View : 25th July 1955 (Geneva)

Publication details, notes & references Download here

André Patsalides : Jouissance in the cure (Comments on La Troisième) : December 1997 (probably San Francisco, USA)

Publication details, notes & references Download /Lacan (71. Comments on La Troisième by André Patsalides))

Sylvia Payne : Some Observations on the Ego Development of the Fetishist : 1939

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Guy Poblome : The Child in the Mirror and His [its] Double : (Sofia) 26th September 2015

Presented in Sofia, on 26th September 2015, at the Bulgarian Society of Lacanian Psychoanalysis. Published by Scriobh-(Irish Circle of the Lacanian Orientation) ICLO-NLS Newsletter – SCRIOBH, June 2017 Download, translated by Hugh Jarret, Stephen Mc Coy,Cecilia Saviotti and Florencia Shanahan, Reviewed by Joanne Conway and Raphael Montague, at here Texts by Guy Poblome at /authors a-z (Poblome) or at

Guy Poblome : Segregation, subversion, separation : 4th May 2017

Publication details, notes & references here Download at or here Texts by Guy Poblome at /authors a-z (Poblome) or at

Guy Poblome : Echoes – Corporeal Effects of Language : 23rd May 2021 (Zoom)

Text of a presentation at the Congress of the New Lacanian School on the theme of “bodily Effects of Language” 22-23 May 2020. Published in Psychoanalytic Notebooks, Issue 37/38 (PN 37/38) Autumn Winter 2021. See or translated by Alasdair Duncan, here Texts by Guy Poblome at /authors a-z (Poblome) or at

Edgar Allen Poe : The Purloined Letter : 1844

Publication details, translators, references & notes, Download, text of “The Purloined Letter,” with notes by Thomas Ollive Mabbott, here : See also Muller & Richardson : 1988 & Jacques Lacan : April 1955

Jean-Bertrand Lefèvre-Pontalis : Seminar VII – Presentation on the ‘Entwurf’ and the relation to reality : 2nd December 1959

Publication details, notes & references here Download, in French, here Information on Seminar VII here, from a Reading Seminar VII Group here, & further texts by J-B L-Pontalis here

Denis Postle : Psychopractice Regulation, SCoPEd – Generating Psychotherapathy? : 3rd July 2023

Published by The Alliance for Counselling & Psychotherapy [Twitter, Tweets from @Alliance4CP] & circulated at Download here

Adrian Price : On Lacan’s remarks on Chinese Poetry in Seminar XXIV : November 2009

Publication details, references & notes Download here


René Raggenbass : The Moment of the Act as Unpredictable : Fall 2020

Published The Lacanian Review Issue 10 – Paranoia p40-48 Fall 2020 : Translated by Annie Ramel, Josiane Paccaud, Véronique Voruz : Download here

René Raggenbass : Transmissions of ‘Bits of Real’ in a Lacanian Criminology Workshop (LRO 312) : 29th September 2021

Circulated by New Lacanian School Messager, as [nls-messager] 3997.en/ LRO 312: “Transmissions of ‘Bits of Real’ in a Lacanian Criminology Workshop”, on 29th September 2021. Download published by The Lacanian Reviews Online, translated by Dominique Rudaz, here

François Regnault : Hegel’s Master and Slave Dialectic in the Work of Lacan : ( Bordeaux) 1990-1991

Originally presented at the conference ‘Lacan and the Philosophers’ in Bordeaux in 1990-91, then published in Quarto no 64 1998 Brussels, p91-106 of Psychoanalytical Notebooks, Issue 2, Spring 1999 Download, translated by Véronique Voruz & Bogdan Wolf, here

Michel Renard & Francis Pasche : The Reality of the Object and Economic Point of View : 25th July 1955 (Geneva)

Publication details, notes & references Download here

William J. Richardson & John P. Muller : A Reader’s Guide to Écrits : 1982

Publication details, notes & references Download, Acknowledgements & Introduction – Lacan & Language here | Afterword p415 & References p420 & Name index p429 & Index to works of Freud p432 & Subject index p433, Download here

William J. Richardson & John P. Muller (Editors & Authors) : The Purloined Poe : Lacan, Derrida and Psychoanalytic Reading : 1988

Publication details, translators, references & notes, Download, Preface here, The Purloined Letter: Overview, Information, Download here, The Purloined Letter: Map of the Text. Information here, Download here, The Purloined Letter : Notes to the Text, Information, Download here & see Edgar Allen Poe : 1844 & Jacques Lacan : April 1955

Joan Rivière : Womanliness as a masquerade : 1929

Publication details, translators, references & notes Download as in IJP here & as republished in 1991 here

Frank Rollier : 4 PLUS ONE – The Formula of a New Mode of Social Bond : 26th June 2020 (Athens)

Publication details, references & notes here Download, in The Newsletter of the Cartels of the NLS – No. 16, [ here or here] or here Other texts by Frank Rollier here

Frank Rollier : Biopolitics and presence of the bodies : 26th April 2021

Towards the XIXth, May 2021, New Lacanian School’s congress on ‘Bodily Effects of Language’. Circulated by NLS-Messager, Subject: [nls-messager] TRACES – Frank Rollier, on 26 April 2021 at 07:00:00 BST : Download, translated by Catherine Massol, here or with Julia Evans’ notes here Other texts by Frank Rollier here

Juliet Mitchell and Jacqueline Rose (Authors & Editors) : ‘Jacques Lacan & the École Freudienne: Feminine Sexuality’ : 1982

Publication details, references & notes Download, ‘Content’ & ‘Editors’ Preface’ & List of Abbreviations here | Translator’s (Jacqueline Rose) Note here | Bibliography here | Background Reading : Russell Grigg, Dominique Hecq & Craig Smith : Introduction to Female Sexuality – The early psychoanalytic controversies : Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Jacqueline Rose : Introduction II to ‘Jacques Lacan & the École Freudienne – Feminine Sexuality’ : 1982

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Dominique Rudaz : The Scientific Approach (Autism) : 28th September 2022 (LRO 356)

Published at The Lacanian Reviews On-Line as LRO 356 and available and with notes here Related text, Psychoanalytic Position against Dogmatism Applied to Autism : July 2022 : Initiators, Patrick Landman, François Leguil, Jean-Claude Maleval. Available or here See also texts at

Avi Rybnicki : Some Thoughts on Freud’s “Translation of the Unconscious” Today : March 2020

Towards the cancelled NLS Congress ‘Interpretation, ‘From Truth to Event’ in Ghent, May 2020, see : Download here

Avi Rybnicki : Civilization and Its Discontents and the Unbearable Lightness of the Absent Body (LRO COVID-19 / 2020 #92) : 14th May 2020

Published by Lacanian Review Online Download here

Avi Rybnicki : The Signifier, the Letter, and the Body: Changing Perspective in Hysteria (LRO 292) : 1st May 2021

Circulated : From: NLS-Messager (New Lacanian School’s Messager Subject: [nls-messager] 3803.en/ LRO 292: The Signifier, the Letter, and the Body: Changing Perspective in Hysteria Date: 2 May 2021 at 15:19:52 BST. Published by The Lacanian Review as LRO 292 at or with notes here. Further texts by Avi Rybnicki at /authors a-z (Rybnicki)

Avi Rybnicki : Freud’s Fixierung and the real : 10th March 2022

Towards the XXth NLS Psychoanalysis Congress – Fixation & repetition – July 2022 – Zurich, Switzerland. Circulated by NLS-Messager New Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis – Messager Subject: [nls-messager] 4177.en/ TUCHÉ : “Fixierung & Wiederholung”. Available

Charles Rycroft : The Nature and Function of the Analyst’s Communication to the Patient : 5th May 1956 (London)

Publication details, notes & references here Download here


Melitta Schmideberg : Intellectual Inhibition & disturbances in Eating (Dream ‘fresh brains’) : September 1933

Publication details, references & notes Download here

Melitta Schmideberg : Psychological Factors Underlying Criminal Behaviour : 1947

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Melitta Schmideberg : Delinquent Acts as Perversions and Fetishes : 26th July 1955 (Geneva)

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Stuart Schneiderman (Ed & Translator) : Returning to Freud – Clinical Psychoanalysis in the School of Lacan – Selections’ : 1980

Publication details, availability, notes & references Download, Contents & Translator’s Preface pvii, here, Translator’s Preface pviii, here

Stuart Schneiderman : Lacan’s Early Contributions to Psychoanalysis : 1980

Publication details, notes & references here Download here

Stuart Schneiderman : The Other Lacan : 1980

Publication details, notes & references /5 Other Authors A-Z (Schneiderman) Download here

Anneliese Schnurmann : Observation of a Phobia : December 1946 (London)

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Daniel Paul Schreber : Texts from 26th July 1889 to 13th November 1910

Publication details & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Schreber) Download bilingual /Main page (Schreber’s MEMOIRS OF MY NERVOUS ILLNESS with Lacan’s intro to the French translation. Part 4)

Daniel Paul Schreber : Memoirs of my nervous illness : 1903

Publication details, references & notes Published bilingual at see /Homepage (Schreber’s MEMOIRS OF MY NERVOUS ILLNESS with Lacan’s intro to the French translation. Part 1, Part 2,)

Paul Sérieux & Joseph Capgras : Misinterpretative delusional states : 1909

Publication details Notes & references Download here

Bernard Seynhaeve : Announcement of title for the 2020 NLS Congress, Interpretation : From Truth to Event : 18th June 2019

Publication details, references & notes here Download here, with Julia Evans’ notes here

Bernard Seynhaeve : Lacanian Psychoanalysis Not Without the Body : 18th January 2020 (Dublin)

Publication details, notes & references Listen Download text, translated by Alasdair Duncan, revision: Raphael Montague & Joanne Conway here

Bernard Seynhaeve : Toward Ghent : 21st February 2020

Towards the cancelled NLS Congress ‘Interpretation, ‘From Truth to Event’ in Ghent, May 2020, see Circulated From: NLS-Messager Subject: [nls-messager] 3348.en/ CUTS – Bernard Seynhaeve – Towards the NLS Congress 2020 Date: 21 February 2020 at 22:04:56 GMT. Download here Other texts by Bernard Seynhaeve here

Bernard Seynhaeve : To name what can staple the knot : 1st March 2021

Traces towards NLS Congress in Ghent, May 2021, ‘Bodily Effects of Language’. Circulated on New Lacanian School’s Messager Subject: [nls-messager] 3673.en/ TRACES – Bernard Seynhaeve Date: 1 March 2021 at 20:03:10 GMT : Translated by Joanne Conway : Download here Other texts Bernard Seynhaeve here

Florencia Fernández Coria Shanahan : To interpret Un-corps : April? 2020

Blog towards the cancelled NLS Congress in Ghent, May 2020, see here Download here

Ella Sharpe : The Impatience of Hamlet : 1929

Publication details, notes & references here Download here Further texts by Ella Sharpe & at /authors a-z /Sharpe

Ella Sharpe : Certain aspects of Sublimation and Delusion : (Oxford) 31st July 1929

Publication details, translators, references & notes here Download here Further texts by Ella Sharpe & at /authors a-z /Sharpe

Ella Sharpe : The Technique of Psychoanalysis, Seven Lectures : 1930 & 1931 [1950]

Publication details, notes. citations for the 7 papers & references here Download here Further texts by Ella Sharpe & at /authors a-z /Sharpe

Ella Sharpe : Analysis of a single dream : 1936 [1937]

Publication details, notes & references here Download here Further texts by Ella Sharpe & at /authors a-z /Sharpe

John Cutting & Michael Shepherd (Editors & Authors) : The Clinical Roots of the Schizophrenia Concept : 28th November 1986

Publication details, references & notes Download ‘(p1-10) Preface and Introduction’ here

Alan Sheridan (Author & Translator) : Écrits, a selection (Jacques Lacan) 1966 : 1977

Publication details, notes & references, Download, Translator’s Note & Bibliographical Note, here, Download, Classified index of the major concepts : 1966 : Jacques-Alain Miller, p326 – 331, & Commentary on the graphs : 1966 : Jacques-Alain Miller, p332 – 335,& German terms used by Sigmund Freud here

Pierre Skriabine : The Ink and the Brush – remarks on the particular and the universal : Winter 1992

Publication details, references & notes at /5 Other Authors A-Z (Skriabine) Download, translated by Philip Dravers, here

Pierre Skriabine : Clinic and Topology – The Flaw in the Universe, The Clinic of the Borromean Knot : 1993

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by Ellie Ragland & Véronique Voruz, Part I The Flaw in the Universe here, Part II The Clinic of the Borromean Knot here

Pierre Skriabine : Drive and Fantasy : June 1994

Publication details, references & notes Download, published by, here or here. Other texts by Pierre Skriabine or at /authors a-z

Pierre Skriabine : Some Moral Failings Called Depressions : February 1997

Publication details, references & notes /5 Other Authors A-Z (Skriabine) or By date (February 1997) Download, translated by Jack W. Stone here

Pierre Skriabine : Aporias of a sacrifice accomplished : 1999

Originally published in La cause freudienne, Number 41, Paris, 1999. In English in Psychoanaytical Notebooks, Issue 5, 2001, p71-79. Download translated by Heather Menzies here. Other texts by Pierre Skriabine or at /authors a-z

Pierre Skriabine : The Logic of the Scansion or Why a Session can be Short : 2000

Publication details, references & notes here Download here Other texts by Pierre Skriabine or at /authors a-z

Pierre Skriabine : Does the Father Say Knot? : 3rd February 2001 (London)

This paper was presented in London at the Freudian Field Seminar 2000-2001, 3rd February 2001. Published in Psychoanalytical Notebooks, nr 13, 2005, p146-162. Download here Other texts by Pierre Skriabine or at /authors a-z

Pierre Skriabine : Knot and Name-of-the-Father : 13th July 2006 (Rome)

Publication details, notes & references here Download here Other texts by Pierre Skriabine or at /authors a-z

Pierre Skriabine : Ordinary Psychosis with a Borromean Approach : 2009

Publication details, references & notes here Download, translated by the author, here

Jacques Lacan with Victor Nikolaevitch Smirnoff or Smirnov, Xavier Audouard, Jean Laplanche, & Unknown : 3rd February 1960 : Discussion during Seminar VII

Publication details, notes & references /Authors A-Z (Smirnov). Download, in French only, here

Russell Grigg, Dominique Hecq & Craig Smith : Introduction to Female Sexuality – The early psychoanalytic controversies : 1999

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Colette Soler : The Body in the Teaching of Jacques Lacan : May 1984

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Lindsay Watson, here, or with Julia Evans’ notes here

Hans Sperber : Über den Einfluss sexueller Momente (On the influence of Sexual Factors) : 1912

Notes & citations /January 1912 Download, in German only, here

René Spitz : The Primal Cavity : a contribution to the genesis of perception and its role for psychoanalytic theory : 1955

Publication details, notes & references Download here

James Strachey : Editor’s Introduction to Sigmund Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams : 1953

Publication details, references & notes Download here

James Strachey : Editor’s Introduction (Psycho-Analytic Notes on an autobiographical account of a case of paranoia (Dementia Paranoides) [Case of Schreber] : 1958

Publication details, notes & references Download, / Homepage (The Case of Schreber (Fall von Paranoia)) or here

Thomas Svolos : The Specificity of Psychoanalysis Relative to Psychotherapy – An American Mirage : 7th September 2001 (Omaha, Nebraska)

This is the text of a talk delivered at the first Friday Conference of the Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis in Omaha, Nebraska, on September 7, 2001. Published p30-39 of Mental ONLINE (International Journal of Mental Health and Applied Psychoanalysis), Vol 13, December 2003, The Therapeutic Use of Psychoanalysis : Download here Other texts by Thomas Svolos & at /authors a-z (Svolos)

Thomas Svolos : There is no situation in the United States : 29th September 2005

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Thomas Svolos : Neurasthenic Psychoanalysis and the Name-of-the-Father : 6th March 2006

Circulated by NLS – New Lacanian School , on12th March 2006 17:29, as [nls-messager] > 241 : Neurasthenic Psychoanalysis and the Name-of-the-Father, by T. Svolos, Download here Other texts by Thomas Svolos & at /authors a-z (Svolos)

Thomas Svolos : “Ordinary Psychosis” Note ♯1: Paris English Seminar : 26th March 2008

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Thomas Svolos : A Weekend on the Frontier-Some Reflections on Clinical Study Days 3 : 8th August 2008

Published p64-65 of Lacanian Compass : August 8, 2008 : Volume 1 Issue 13 – Psychoanalytic Newsletter of Lacanian Orientation : Download here : Other texts by Thomas Svolos here

Thomas Svolos : Ordinary Psychosis and Addiction in the Postmodern Era : 1st March 2016

Publication details, references & notes here Download here or. with Julia Evans’ notes, here

Thomas Svolos : Stranger in a Melting Pot : 7th February 2018

Publication details, references & notes here Download here or here

An interview with Tom Svolos : Lacan’s legacy in the United States : 18th May 2018

Publication details, references & notes here Download here or here

Thomas Svolos : Rectification and Transference : 25th June 2018

Publication details, references & notes here Download here or here

Thomas Svolos : Discourses that kill (LRO 106) : 22nd November 2018

Publication details, references & notes Download here or, with Julia Evans’ notes, here

Thomas Svolos : Getting the Fix on the Mind Fixers : 19th June 2019

Publication details, notes & references here Download here, or here, or with Julia Evans’ notes here

Thomas Svolos : LRO 285 Reading of Thomas Svolos’ ‘The Aims of Analysis’ : 25th October 2019 (Miami, Florida) & 21st March 2021 (Virtual) : Introduction by Liliana Kruszel

This is Liliana Kruszel’s reading of Thomas Svolos’ book. Based on The Aims of Analysis: Miami Seminar on the Late Lacan (25th October 2019, Miami), a book by Thomas Svolos published by Midden Press (2020) & a conversation between Thomas Svolos & Liliana Kruszel organized virtually by Midden Press on March 21st, 2021. Published by Lacanian Review Online, LRO 285, on 7th April 2021: Download here or here Other texts by Thomas Svolos here

Thomas Svolos : History and the Link of the Analytic Act with Civilization (LRO 324) : 27th October 2021

Published in Portuguese as “História e a conexão do ato analítico com a civilização” in Boletim Travessias [electronic journal of the Escola Brasileira de Psicanálise] #5. 27th October 2021.; in English as “History and the Link of the Analytic Act with Civilization (LRO 324)” by Thomas Svolos on 12th January 2022 by at Further texts by Thomas Svolos at & /authors a-z (Svolos). Reference is Jacques-Alain Miller : A Fantasy : August 2004 (Comandatuba-Bahia, Brazil) : Information here, Available on this page. Also download here

Thomas Svolos : Coronavirus and the Hole in the Big Other : 14th March 2020

Publication details, notes & references here Download here or here Other texts by Thomas Svolos & at /authors a-z (Svolos)

Thomas Svolos : Life Over Death : 26th March 2020

Publication details, references & notes here Download, here or here or with Julia Evans’ notes here

Thomas Svolos : An Easy Handle on the Real : April? 2020

Blog toward the cancelled May 2020 NLS Congress in Ghent, see Download here or here Other texts by Thomas Svolos at & /authors a-z (Svolos).

Thomas Svolos : History and the Link of the Analytic Act with Civilization (LRO 324) : 27th October 2021

Published in Portuguese as “História e a conexão do ato analítico com a civilização” in Boletim Travessias [electronic journal of the Escola Brasileira de Psicanálise] #5. 27th October 2021.; in English as “History and the Link of the Analytic Act with Civilization (LRO 324)” by Thomas Svolos on 12th January 2022 by at or here Further texts by Thomas Svolos at & /authors a-z (Svolos). Reference is Jacques-Alain Miller : A Fantasy : August 2004 (Comandatuba-Bahia, Brazil) : Information here, Available on this page. Also download here

Thomas Svolos : Psychoanalysis, Science Fiction, and Climate Change (LRO 336) : 13th April 2022

Published on The Lacanian Review On-line (LRO 336) at Notes on references here Further texts by Thomas Svolos at /authors a-z (Svolos) or

Thomas Svolos : Meeting the Subjectivity of our Time : 6th June 2022

Published in The Lacanian Review No 12, p149-160, June 2022. Download here Further texts by Thomas Svolos at /authors a-z (Svolos) or

Thomas Szasz : On the experiences of the analyst in the Psychoanalytic situation : a contribution to the theory of Psychoanalytic treatment : 14th October 1955 (Washington, USA)

Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association Vol 4 p199 – 223 (1956) Paper read at the Washington Psychoanalytic Society, 14th October 1955, and at the Midwinter Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, New York, 3rd December 1955. Download here Referenced by Jacques Lacan on Seminar X : 30th January 1963 – see Further texts by Thomas Szasz or /authors a-z (Szasz)

Thomas S. Szasz : Psychoanalytic training – A Socio-Psychological Analysis of its History and Present Status : 1958

Published IJPA Vol 34 (1958) p598-613, Download here See /authors a-z (Szasz) or authors by date (1958) : This is quoted on P586 of Bruce Fink’s translation of In Memory of Ernest Jones : On His Theory of Symbolism : January to March 1959 : Jacques Lacan, See Écrits : 1966 : Jacques Lacan or & Seminar X : 30th January 1963, See Further texts by Thomas Szasz

Book Review of ‘The Myth of Mental Illness’ by Thomas Szasz : 1961 : Reviewer – Charles Rycroft (1962)

Published IJPA, v44, 1962. Download here See /authors a-z (Szasz) or authors by date (1961). Texts by Thomas Szasz

Thomas S. Szasz : The Concept of Transference : 1962

IJPA 1962 v44 p432-443, Downlad here See /authors a-z (Szasz) or authors by date (1962). Texts by Szasz Examined in Seminar XI : 15th April 1964 , p132-133 of Alan Sheridan’s translation, See


Paulina Tanterl : Why the Analyst Has to (Re)claim the Role of the Cuckoo (LRO 333) : 23rd March 2022

Circulated by the New Lacanian School Messager. Published by The Lacanian Review On-line (LRO 333), see or notes here. Further texts on the clinic at

Sylvia Elena Tendlarz : Autistic Children : March 2011 (Buenos Aires)

Originally published in Departamento de Autismo y psicosis, May 2011. In translation, in Hurly-Burly, Issue 7, May 2012, p193-200 Download, translated by Florencia Fernandez Coria Shanahan, here Other texts on Autism here

Lucia E. Tower : Countertransference : 1956

Publication details, translators, references & notes Download here Texts by Lucia Tower or /authors a-z (Tower)


José Ramón Ubieto Pardo : COVID Sadness: The New Sorrow (LRO 254) : 4th November 2020

Publication details, references & notes Download here or with Julia Evans’ notes here Other texts on plagues/pandemics


Yves Vanderveken : Towards Pipol 9, The unconscious and the brain, nothing in common, The argument : 22nd November 2018

Publication details, references & notes here Download here, or here, or with Julia Evans’ notes here

Yves Vanderveken : The Unconscious Testifies to a Real of Its Own : 15th January 2019

Publication details, references & notes here Download here or with notes here. Further texts by Yves Vanderveken

Jean-Michel Vappereau : Fabric (Stuff) – Intrinsic Topological Surfaces : 1988

Publication details, references & notes Download, in French, here Translated by Marc Etlin, see /Lacan (/Lacan (142. English translation of Jean-Michel Valppereau’s Étoffe (Fabric) – pt.1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt. 5, pt. 6) Thus,

Table of Contents = pt. 1

Presentation of the series of the fascicles of results pI-XVIII = pt. 2

p8-9 Appears to be an overview – pt. 3

p13-49 The Mirage of Topology – pt. 4

p51-76 Psychoanalysis with Lacan – Chapter 1 – enjoyment and the interdiction of desire. Surfaces covering a knot – pt. 5

p77-97 Chapter II Classicist fabric and surface for Lacan. Theory of intrinsic topological surfaces – pt. 6

Jean-Michel Vappereau : KNOT 
The Theory of the Knot Outlined by Jacques Lacan : July 1996

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Jane C. Lamb-Ruiz, /Lacan (141. English translation of the Introduction to Noeud, by Jean-Michel Vappereau)

Jean-Michel Vappereau : A Method of Reading a Knot : 1997

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Kristina Valendinova, /Lacan (143. English translation of Jean-Michel Vappereau’s A Method of Reading a Knot) In French, Ch II of here

Jean-Pierre Vernant : Greek Tragedy : Problems of Interpretation & discussion : 21st October 1966 (Baltimore, USA)

See this site /5 Other Authors A-Z (Vernant) or Available here


Samuel Weber : Introduction to Schreber’s ‘Memoirs of my nervous illness’: 1973

Publication details, references & notes Download, translated by Benjamin Gregg, here or /Homepage (Schreber’s MEMOIRS OF MY NERVOUS ILLNESS with Lacan’s intro to the French translation. Part 1)

Tammy Weil : Wandering in the Virtual Space Between the Bed and the Couch (LRO 310) : 15th September 2021

Circulated by NLS-Messager, as [nls-messager] 3983.en/ LRO: “Wandering in the Virtual Space Between the Bed and the Couch”, on 16 September 2021. Download, published by, here

Eduardo Weiss : Todestrieb und Masochismus : 8th June 1935 (Vienna)

Publication details, references & notes here Download, in German, here

Anthony Wilden : Prefatory Note, the historical background of ‘The Function of Language in Psychoanalysis’ (1953) by Jacques Lacan : 1968

Publication details, notes & references Download here

Anthony Wilden : Lacan and the Discourse of the Other : 1968

Publication details, translators, references & notes Download p157 – 213 here, p214 – 311 here, Bibliography, See , Download here, Index, See , Download here

Donald W. Winnicott : Hate in the Counter-Transference : 5th February 1947 (London)

Publication details, references & notes here Download here

Donald W. Winnicott : Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena – a Study of the First Not-Me Possession : 30th May 1951 (London)

Publication details, English translation, references & notes here Download here

Fritz Wittels : The Ego of the Adolescent : 1949

Publication details, English translation, references & notes here Download here

Muriel Gardiner (Editor) : The Wolf Man and Sigmund Freud [Texts by the Wolf-Man, Anna Freud, Sigmund Freud & Ruth Mack Brunswick] : 1973

Publication details & index here Notes by Muriel Gardiner & Anna Freud here Chapter 1 of Recollections from my Childhood by the Wolfman here My recollections of Sigmund Freud by the Wolf-Man here The case of the Wolf-Man by Sigmund Freud here & here A Supplement to Freud’s From the History of an Infantile Neurosis by Ruth Mack Brunswick here The Wolf-Man in Later Life by Muriel Gardiner & Index here

Natalie Wülfing : Writing what is not written : 8th March 2021

Published From: NLS-Messager Subject: [nls-messager] 3686.en/ TRACES – Natalie Wülfing Date: 8 March 2021 at 19:00:00 GMT Towards the New Lacanian School Congress, ‘Bodily effects of languages’ via Zoom May 2021: A note on the reference – Jacques-Alain Miller’s editing of Seminar XX has produced an entirely different version than Cormac Gallagher’s translation from unedited tapes – Seminar XX : 10th April 1973 p93 of Bruce Fink’s translation & probably 20th March 1973 pIX 5 of Cormac Gallagher’s translation : Download here

Natalie Wülfing : Not perverts but bureaucrats will set things off (LRO 331) : 22nd February 2022

Information here : This includes a full quote of Jacques Lacan commenting on the Cuban missiles crisis, Seminar VII : 18th May 1960 : Download . Other texts by Natalie Wülfing /authors a-z (Wülfing) or at


Elisabeth Young-Bruehl : Being Analysed – Chapter 3 of Anna Freud – a biography : 1988

Publication details, English translation, references & notes here Download here


Éric Zuliani : The child who comes, The Indigenous one (L’indigène) (LQ 110) : 8th December 2011

Published in Lacan Quotidien 110, 8th December 2011. Download in French here, translated by Francine Danniau, here or here. Other texts, Of the clinic here, Case studies here

Éric Zuliani : Le train fou de la dysphorie de genre (The crazy train of gender dysphora) : 17th April 2021

Video in French with English subtitles : See also

Julia Evans

Practising Lacanian Psychoanalyst in Sandwich Kent & London – Contact here